Connection problem and parry problem.

What the hell is going on with this game??? So sick of this connection error.. Can't grind arena. Sometimes parry doesn't work and I get hits.Its so annoying when it happens in war. By the way I'm android user and l don't think MCOC dose give **** about android user.
Connection problem and parry problem. 13 votes
Error connection
7 votes
Error connection
3 votes
Error connection
1 vote
Error connection
2 votes
I am on android and you are correct to state that android is not on any fix list or ever has. We have all the same issues yet kabam mods have commented that they will not talk about compensation till things are fixed and running smoothly. Yet android users have not seen a single fix. That's just false advertisement. Screenshot the post about no compensation till fixed, then the screenshot from yesterday saying they are having a meeting. Then another when compensation comes out then go to Google play and submit the screenshots with a ticket to have everything you invested into the game refunded.