Crashing yet again...

This is getting annoying, I'm still getting lag in game so bad that it will literally freeze mid-action sequence for 10 secs of so before resuming. All the while I'm wondering if the game is gonna cheat and throw a combo coming out of the freeze. Luckily that hasn't happened. Now, I can't connect for the second time today, affecting my ability to play the t4b catalyst arena. It's bad enough that you guys threw a deathmatch my way last t4b arena for no reason after I had already at least got to the 1.3 mil milestone, now if your servers don't want to work, I won't even be able to get one of the t4b catalysts. And on a side note, why'd you guys nerf those rewards? A couple of weeks ago you could get three total t4b catalysts from the arena, one at 1.1 mil and two at 2 mil. Now it's just one at each milestone. Thats kind of a douche bag move. Can't have the people who play the game get too many items to rank up now can you? Right now your compensation given from a couple of months ago isn't cutting it KABAM, get your **** together.