Make 30-Minute AQ Timers Standard

Server outages/emergency maintenance has been a standard problem for as long as I can remember, but even worse in the last 3-4 months. Clearly Kabam can’t get that fixed. So, why are the summoners being punished for it? My BG was literally at Dormmamu today when we had emergency maintenance. Again. And of course the game comes back online 2 minutes after AQ expired. All the server outages cause us to lose rewards and resources (the gold, battlechips and loyalty required to start Map 5, or whatever map other alliances are running).

A simple solution? 30 minute timers in AQ. Not as an “oops, sorry” short term fix that Kabam throws at us occasionally, but as the standard. Change it to 30 minutes and don’t EVER go back to 60 minutes. That will allow everyone a chance to finish the maps even if the game goes down for an hour or two.


  • SkuncSkunc Member Posts: 39
    Maybe not forever, but if the server goes down just put the rest of that days aq on 30 minutes timer?
  • Sadat08Sadat08 Member Posts: 73
    Fingers crossed they keep it 30 mind forever!
  • I_Play_NakedI_Play_Naked Member Posts: 5
    @Skunc that doesn’t help if the server goes down at the end of AQ. Also, plenty of people have a life outside of playing this game... 60 minute timers just cause a lot of frustration within alliances. AQ is already a boring game mode (but necessary for us to play if we want good rewards), so why make it any more of a pain? People that have to use items to get through the maps will still have to use items. 30 minute timers won’t take any revenue away from Kabam, so I really don’t understand why this wouldn’t be a good change.
  • SkuncSkunc Member Posts: 39
    Map 6 would be too easy to complete if it was always 30 min timers. Even without server interruptions it’s a hard map to finish because of time.
  • I_Play_NakedI_Play_Naked Member Posts: 5
    Skunc wrote: »
    Map 6 would be too easy to complete if it was always 30 min timers. Even without server interruptions it’s a hard map to finish because of time.

    All the more reason to make sure server outages don’t cause alliances to fall short of 100%, especially with map 6 costing so much to start. And again, people have lives outside of this game. To force people to constantly take “bathroom breaks” or whatever excuse they have to use to squeeze in a move at work is stupid. People shouldn’t have to choose between letting their alliance down and maybe getting booted or getting in trouble at work and maybe getting fired. That isn’t a problem for everyone, but I’m sure it affects a majority of the people that play this game.
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