Acquiring xp points more easily

I have two suggestions to make the summoners more active
1. Gift all summoners who are level 34-39 5 thousands experience points
This way the summoners will be closer to level 40 ( and unlocking epic difficulty in gwenpool goes to the movies ) and they will spend more time leveling up and more units on energy refill
2. Way to make money
Allow the summoners to purchase experience points with real money or units or gold
Again the summoners that are close to level 40 will pay for extra experience
Both of these suggestions had better become true before event quest gwenpool goest to the movies ends because other ways it will be pointless
1. Gift all summoners who are level 34-39 5 thousands experience points
This way the summoners will be closer to level 40 ( and unlocking epic difficulty in gwenpool goes to the movies ) and they will spend more time leveling up and more units on energy refill
2. Way to make money
Allow the summoners to purchase experience points with real money or units or gold
Again the summoners that are close to level 40 will pay for extra experience
Both of these suggestions had better become true before event quest gwenpool goest to the movies ends because other ways it will be pointless
Or you can buy an XP Boost from the in-game store and play to level up.
In your level 30s, you can grind almost a level every 2-3 days if you schedule your playing to the energy timer.
Yeah, I think that may be around what you get for 100%ing t3c in the proving grounds,
Back in my day.....
Im listening
thats why its called E-X-P-E-R-I-E-N-C-E
pop an xp boost..... get some energy refils and get grinding in the quest....... if you are level 35 you could get to lvl 40 before gwenpools event ends......
all you need to do is put some effort in and focus on it....
dont ask for free stuff.....
put in the work and you can get there easy.
I’d much prefer an increased level cap.