PHC luck is very variable.
I've had times when for 2-3 months I didn't get a single 4* from a PHC, and I've had times when I pulled 2-3 4* champs per week from PHC's.
My 1st 5* was Antman. If that wasn't bad enough i got a 5* Karnak from a feature 5* crystal. That was a waste 5,000 5* shards. On top of all that I have duped him twice and no other 5* is duped. How's that for luck
My 1st 5* was Antman. If that wasn't bad enough i got a 5* Karnak from a feature 5* crystal. That was a waste 5,000 5* shards. On top of all that I have duped him twice and no other 5* is duped. How's that for luck
Same dude. I opened a feature from rifts and pulled.... A useless dupe on p2099. Feels bad man Also I have antman. Waste of shards lol
I've had times when for 2-3 months I didn't get a single 4* from a PHC, and I've had times when I pulled 2-3 4* champs per week from PHC's.
yet I pulled a 5* domino out of a legendary
A useless dupe on p2099. Feels bad man
Also I have antman. Waste of shards lol