Use t2 alpha cats on quake or wait?

hi guys. need suggestions. i have 5 star quake at rank 3. i have 4 t2 alpha cats and full resources to rank her up to rank 4. but considering how rare t2 alpha cats are, i am confused whether to rank her up or wait for a better 5 star champ. i already have a rank 4 5*blade and a 6 star drax. i am planning to go for act 5.3 soon. so act 5 and uncollected final bosses are the main places i need a rank 4 for.
I have r4 quake 5*. Barely need her for anything.
She's great for act5 can overcome a lot of the annoying buffs in there and is also one of the best options for 3/6 of the bosses in 5.4