Steady daily players need similar team mates

[3hand] we are a core group of players ,100k+ ,who work hard as a team to succeed and grow.
We understand to achieve greatness we need to become a team of 30. We do AW/AQ. Weekly SA (stopping when we reach rank rewards). 3 day events ( all milestones) and daily events. We were doing map 5 and aim to get there when we are full once more.
We are mostly adults with jobs and lives who play around them.

We'd love for you to join us, it's a game, but why play if you don't want to win and improve.
We NEED you!
Request to join [3hand] or princessairbear


  • TigerWhiskersTigerWhiskers Member Posts: 81
    How many are part of your active core? We can fit 8 peps in our alliance and it sounds like your ethos similar to ours, mature peps with lives but still playing to win. If you're at all interested contact me through line app: tigerwhiskers. In any case I boosted your post ;)
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