Looking for a map5×5 gold 1 alliance

Got 5.4k prestige which is gonna get a huge bump in September.
Got 17 4* rank 5/50s or equivalent including 3 5* rank 4/55s or equivalent.
My timezone is Indian so a global alliance would a be a good fit.
Always get my work done in AQ & AW and don't leave my team hanging.
Leave me your Line I'd / IGN below if interested and I'd hit you up asap
Got 17 4* rank 5/50s or equivalent including 3 5* rank 4/55s or equivalent.
My timezone is Indian so a global alliance would a be a good fit.
Always get my work done in AQ & AW and don't leave my team hanging.
Leave me your Line I'd / IGN below if interested and I'd hit you up asap