Looking for a map5×5 gold 1 alliance

Got 5.4k prestige which is gonna get a good bump in September with 2nd 6* and hopefully another 5* r4.
As of now, got 17 4* rank 5/50s or equivalent including 3 5* rank 4/55s or equivalent.
My timezone is Indian so a global alliance would a be a good fit.
Always get my work done in AQ & AW and don't leave my team hanging.
Leave me your Line I'd / IGN below if interested and I'd hit you up asap


  • Harry_Roxx1337Harry_Roxx1337 Member Posts: 112

    LMK if u have interest
    Line ID: harryroxx
  • HarpsHarps Member Posts: 33
    Creating a high gold 1 high prestige top 300 alliance focused on ranking champs and getting t2 alphas. line ID harps87 let me know if your interested. once we get enough ppl interested we can begin and start to climb very quickly. will need officers with aq and war strategy experience.
  • Human_Poison1Human_Poison1 Member Posts: 34
    IGN: Human Poison
  • SkelliottSkelliott Member Posts: 30
    Skelliott for both
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