Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Looking for high prestige alliance, Map 5x5 AQ, Plat 3/Gold1 AW. Prestige 7158

I’m an experienced player, active daily throughout the day. What I have to offer:
- US Based, Eastern Time Zone
- Prestige =7158
- One 5/65 champ, with another two t5b in my inventory and ready to take another champ to 5/65
- Five more 4/55 5*s, and three 1/25 6*s
- Strong AW attackers and defenders
- No problem with aq map 5
- Act 5 complete, initial Lol run complete
- I grind a lot of arena, so donations and event contributions aren’t a problem

What I’m looking for:
- AQ map 5x5. I prefer to join an alliance that has higher prestige requirements (7k+) so map 6 isn’t required for AQ top 300
- Plat 3 or Gold 1 AW
- a fun group to play with

Contact me on Line app: gravelordneto




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    NitoNito Posts: 70
    Update: already found a new ally, thanks!
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