Game freezes during Matchs

Device and Version: Huwawei y6
Device Operating System: Android 5.1.1
Mobile Carrier: orange WiFi , Vodafone cellular
Cellular or WiFi: Both
Game Version Installed:19.1
Game Mode: Everywhere Event Quests, Alliance Quest and Alliance War. ( haven't tried story or arena yet)
Champions Affected: Everyone I used so far was affected
Active Boosts: no
Description of the Issue: game freezes during matches at any point ( during combos, during special attacks , while evading , while holding block)
Screenshot or Video:
Device Operating System: Android 5.1.1
Mobile Carrier: orange WiFi , Vodafone cellular
Cellular or WiFi: Both
Game Version Installed:19.1
Game Mode: Everywhere Event Quests, Alliance Quest and Alliance War. ( haven't tried story or arena yet)
Champions Affected: Everyone I used so far was affected
Active Boosts: no
Description of the Issue: game freezes during matches at any point ( during combos, during special attacks , while evading , while holding block)
Screenshot or Video:
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- Android user performance issues thread
Thank you very much in advance for your help and patience as we work to address your concerns!