Act 4 100%

I need tips before I do it on how to deal with the thorns magneto. I have a 3/45 gwenpool and a few other 4( god ties and I'm just wondering if the damage from the thorns will be too much
Bleeders also help. So that Gwenpool could definitely help out.
Chapter 3 and 4 have Starburst, Chaos and other nodes.
Who flagged this ?? Probably someone who hasn't even completed ACT 3.
Medusa, blade, rouge, doc oc, and ice man would all be great
Current roster I'm using
What is starburst?
It places a degeneration debuff on you, hit the opponent loose your health faster stay still loose health bit slower.
Good news I just pulled Ghulk but I don't have an awakened im
Flag it again you Dumb Dumb
GR will help too. He has the best in-game Regeneration. Just learn his style. Just pulled him and made him 4/40. Clearing map 5 aq like a tank with 100% Health. Definitely my next r5.