Domino block break

Hey @Kabam Miike @Kabam Wolf @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Lyra @Kabam Zibiit why is Domino still breaking blocks with ordinary attacks? We just lost attack bonus against a war boss because she broke my block with the second hit of her medium and chain stunned me to death. I had her at 1% health. ONE. PERCENT. That’s bad enough considering I have points in assassin mastery, which has seemingly been broken forever, 75% of fights end up with the opponent at 1%. But I’m rambling. When are you going to actually fix this and not just say you did? I know you “pushed a fix” like a month ago, but there’s obviously a bunch of us still having this problem, and it’s greatly affecting the most competitive game mode. The hela bug got fixed within a day because it was beneficial, this bug has been going for months and you still can’t fix it? Starting to feel like you as a company really just don’t care as long as you’re making $ hand over fist.
That's what I initially thought, but what happens is that you try to dash back when she hits you - and because you can't dash back when she hits you - you end up being hit.
Her first medium gives you the impression that you can dash back, but you can't.
Also I often do mediums into a block as AI likes to stand there with their block up so you try to get them to counter after you smack their block a few times
Sorry but the technology to fix your imagination doesn't exist yet.
My conclusion is also that she DOES NOT break it, we just try to swipe back (unconciously) and get hit. Honestly, I dont even try to block anymore, I fight her as stun immune always and just try parry when she's dashing from far away.
The character could be coded wrong in some situations, I just prefer to play around it.
Gonna throw some insight for you here...
How many times have you seen the AI pull things off that users just aren’t able to do?
Evading the second hit of a heavy after the first hit lands
I have a spiderman who does this all the time
auto blocking heavies,
I've had medusa do this
stand your ground mastery triggering parry
You can do this as well. For example, let hyperion do his first hit of the heavy, and then perfectly time it as he's dashing into you on the second. you will trigger parry if you do it correctly. No one does this though, it's an unnecessary gamble but I have tested it.
and other shenanigans
I used to think what was labeled as a "run down" was impossible to perform as a player but it is. if you wiff your first attack with a light, and they dash back, you can dash in on your second attack and continue your combo.
I also used to think that the AI could perform an extended combo but that's not the case either. I just sometimes suck so bad that at the end of their combo, they just do another one as I'm trying to recover. I can do this with Gwen pool, just keep my combo going if I stun them through the process.
I've never had Domino break my block if i hold my block. I've duel her daily, and initially it happened all the time. Now, I did notice there was a lag once, maybe twice, where their would be a spike and next thing you know im dead, but never a normal stand-a-lone block break.
I am kabam and I can say you are wrong. Happy?
Wow you sure proved your case with your "I've heard that something unrelated happened sometimes, so my theory must be true" argument. Are you a lawyer?
Now go do what the guy above said: watch Dorky Dave's video that proves you are wrong, and accept that you are wrong. Only then can the healing begin.