any moderator PLEASE respond (overheating)
Look I know a lot of people talk about this but this has been going on for too long , will we get any compensation for this just tell us so we we don’t keep our hopes high because we had so many problems beacuase of overheating and u have given us compensation for smaller things than this, so please reply and tell US if WE will get any compensation for overheating
I have literally been BEGGING for a simple answer to a simple question about Red Skull in his spotlight and they refuse to answer.
TBF last year was a 4 week event. This year, even with all the recent issues, it's only a 1 week event. And everyone will have access. So, there's no real compensation there when people like me who've had no heating issues are enjoying the same rewards. I wouldn't mind and even think players like OP deserve a little extra.
I know but most of the community agrees it’s not enough