Leveling up question.

DankosaurusDankosaurus Member Posts: 5
Im almost level 32. could i reach 40 before the gwenpool event ends? so like 18 days? if so how should I?


  • CateatswhalesCateatswhales Member Posts: 112
    Act 4
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,334 ★★★★★
    Unsure if sufficient time. I suggest put on XP boost and run T3CC hard path, multiple times. You will need units to buy energy.

    It gives more than 1000 xp per champ taken down.
  • Kobster84Kobster84 Member Posts: 2,898 ★★★★★
    Im almost level 32. could i reach 40 before the gwenpool event ends? so like 18 days? if so how should I?

    If u want to grind the next 2 weeks of your life doing act 4 you could be able to do it
  • Jim5Jim5 Member Posts: 11
    I don’t know if u have enough time but I was lvl 35 and I level up to 39 in just 10 days because I found a trick
    Go to act4 ch4 quest 1 and take the left side of joe fixit
    When u fight him end the quest
    This is the quickest way I have found but it is kinda boring
    If u want a less boring way continue 2 more tile and defeat the uncovered enemy ( black widow) and after that end the quest
    Hope this helps u
  • IcsGrecIcsGrec Member Posts: 919 ★★★
    Im almost level 32. could i reach 40 before the gwenpool event ends? so like 18 days? if so how should I?

    Use XP boosts and grind act 4 if you can. You get a lot of xp from there.
  • Primmer79Primmer79 Member Posts: 2,968 ★★★★
    I dont know when it starts, but the decrease in energy required for act 4 will help. Just do it as much as you can and keep grinding.
  • TwmRTwmR Member Posts: 662 ★★★
    Dungeons are going to give xp too so if you grind them along with the cheaper energy cost of act4 with summoner appreciation and using xp boosts you've definitely got a chance
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