Heimdall broken?

I have been doing hours of testing on heimdall today after grinding 60 million for him. His abilities on paper look nice and have been doing the math for his fury stacks and for critical hits. Worse buff champ sent out currently. There is one problem the math and the attack do not make sense, and doesn’t add up. Fury 1 to 5 have no effect on the champions attack base that’s the first problem. Second problem armor breaks are not doing much except flashing pretty 5 aromor stacks and up should disable any champs deff. Clearly not what’s happing, and is frustrating to see such a lack bad coding. 3rd the projectiles does parry but does the champ get parried as well or is it just a simple stupid added bonus to the failure.
You need to learn to read the abilities more carefully son.
Or take a look at champion spotlight. They do make mistakes sometimes but fairly relyable.
It does parry the projectile attacks. Ive tested mine vs Domino and IMIW. Just curious but how do you know the fury isn't increasing your base attack since you are in the middle of a fight and have no way to check?