Suggestion to End Piloting: Touch/Face ID Requirement

PalanthraxPalanthrax Member Posts: 918 ★★★★
The biggest problem in the game is not AW, it's piloting. MCOC cannot be regarded as "clean" or fair until piloting is stopped. To get around Kabam's checking algorithms, the top alliances send iPads to the pilots to use for their account.

My suggestion is that Kabam should require Touch ID or Face ID to access the game. This is the only way to guarantee that the person playing is the person who owns the account. Once you've set your ID, it can't be changed for a month, so if the pilot changes it to his, the account owner can't access the game.

It's time for Kabam to show that it's serious about cleaning up the game.


  • AppleisgodAppleisgod Member Posts: 1,420 ★★★★
    That's not gonna work... it will stop the piloting but then you have the ridiculousness of requiring hardware many devices supported don't have
  • BapoiBapoi Member Posts: 995 ★★★
    Not gonna happen indeed.
    Suggesting this in about 4-5 years when all devices have it, sure.
    Right now though, it would just shrink the target audience for the game. Which obviously hurts revenue.

    In an ideal world, I agree. Unfortunately, as has been shown ample times, it’s far from that..
  • GorofaizGorofaiz Member Posts: 56
    Touch ID is just Apple fancy name of fingerprint scanner, so its already supported by our device that we use to play...
  • PalanthraxPalanthrax Member Posts: 918 ★★★★
    Appleisgod wrote: »
    That's not gonna work... it will stop the piloting but then you have the ridiculousness of requiring hardware many devices supported don't have

    In truth, I know that, and I know this suggestion is borderline impractical, but the fact is that Kabam is not trying hard enough to tackle this issue. Just putting in this kind of requirement on the devices that support it would help massively (and invalidate the majority of the iPads sent to pilots in the top alliances).

    There are solutions to the problem, but I've yet to see Kabam actually try to address it in a serious manner.

    AW is utterly meaningless while piloting continues, the end result is a lie, the "best" players are nothing of the sort, it's all a complete joke.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,843 ★★★★★
    They're working on dealing with it, and it's improving. I don't see that being implemented for a number of reasons. Devices aren't universally capable of that. You also need to require special permissions, and I can't see people agreeing to that on a large scale.
  • Aleks112358Aleks112358 Member Posts: 51
    Implementing something like this would be a very bad idea. Kabam have been hacked in the past, and credit card details have been stolen(or at least i heard the hackers did this) . Now imagine people stealing fingerprints and face ids. This is the kind of authentication you use on more valuable/secure things, sure smartphones have it, but i have every right to believe that apple's database is more secure than kabam's.
    This is a game, not a nuclear program.
    Piloting can be solved by identifying wether the same account is being accessed by multiple ip addreses all from different locations.
  • New_Noob168New_Noob168 Member Posts: 1,600 ★★★★
    Implementing something like this would be a very bad idea. Kabam have been hacked in the past, and credit card details have been stolen(or at least i heard the hackers did this) . Now imagine people stealing fingerprints and face ids. This is the kind of authentication you use on more valuable/secure things, sure smartphones have it, but i have every right to believe that apple's database is more secure than kabam's.
    This is a game, not a nuclear program.
    Piloting can be solved by identifying wether the same account is being accessed by multiple ip addreses all from different locations.

    What are you talking about. Stop confusing everyone. Since when has Kabam held our credit card.

  • Apocalypse189Apocalypse189 Member Posts: 1,135 ★★★
    edited August 2018
    Great idea OP

    Although I would add Patterns to the Secure login

    But there could be an issue before

    So many devices employ Touch ID and Iris/Face ID that it'll be pointless to implement it then have some person bypass it just by using a 3rd party app or software
  • Aleks112358Aleks112358 Member Posts: 51
    Implementing something like this would be a very bad idea. Kabam have been hacked in the past, and credit card details have been stolen(or at least i heard the hackers did this) . Now imagine people stealing fingerprints and face ids. This is the kind of authentication you use on more valuable/secure things, sure smartphones have it, but i have every right to believe that apple's database is more secure than kabam's.
    This is a game, not a nuclear program.
    Piloting can be solved by identifying wether the same account is being accessed by multiple ip addreses all from different locations.

    What are you talking about. Stop confusing everyone. Since when has Kabam held our credit card.

    There was a hack last year, or sometime, and some people said hackers stole credit card details, although i did say i wasnt sure about the credit card part
  • BrainimpacterBrainimpacter Member Posts: 578 ★★★
    edited August 2018
    wont work because a lot of players use cheaper models that dont have the features your idea requires, it would half the user-base over night especially in developing nations
  • BrainimpacterBrainimpacter Member Posts: 578 ★★★
    btw last night i walked down stairs with my ipad under my arm, when i looked at my ipad touch id had been unlocked by my armpit lol, touch id is far from being secure.
  • Psy26Psy26 Member Posts: 159
    How about starting with something a little bit easier. Somehow link account to one device only, changes can be done via support and can only occur every 6 months. Try this and if it fails move to next idea but don't implement that amount of ridiculousness into a game, this is really the last available option
  • EnderDraco58EnderDraco58 Member Posts: 957 ★★
    Don't worry about it. Piloting will always be an issue whether we like it or not. People will always find a way around it. There's no solution to that.
  • WalkinhighlightWalkinhighlight Member Posts: 134
    Lmao, I'm sorry I'm not giving any app my fingerprint recognition. I don't even do it for apple or Samsung, let alone Kabam.
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