Champ Customization Item System

UltimatheoryUltimatheory Member Posts: 520 ★★★
After the whole 12.0 release and everyone freaking our about gears "coming" Kabam Caf released a statement that said that an item system was being considered. Here's his statement:
Kabam_Caf wrote:
Are we considering an item system? Of course we are. One of the features we’ve got incubating is an item system that allows for Champion customization. We thought having some control over tweaking your character abilities while creating new and fresh combinations and strategies would be fun and engaging. Some folks are telling you to be terrified of this and I’m not really sure we get why, so this is clearly something we should be discussing with you more. Over the last 2 years many of you have suggested we explore a system like this and we’ve been thinking about it for a long time. Supporting this system was not the only reason we did this update, but it is one of the reasons.

He also explicitly said it would not be the same as we have seen in the Chinese version. I for one think this could be great if it's implemented the correct way. It also could add a new meta system of sorts to the game where everyone likes to customize their champs a certain way until someone finds a better way and everyone alters their heroes customization a different way. I feel games that have a constantly evolving meta seem more engaging to a player base and right now MCOC meta is really only centered around new champ releases and nerfs to old champs. I'm all for something that adds a new element to the game. I also feel something like this will definitely freshen up the game a bit for those who feel it is getting a bit stale.

What does everyone else think of this? Ideas how you would implement it? Now that the dust seems to have settled on a majority of the debilitating bugs do we have any word from the devs if we are still considering this?


  • RehctansBewRehctansBew Member Posts: 442 ★★★
    Horrible Idea IMO, the thought of having a chance to purchase and don't fool yourself, it will be a purchase of gears or items will ruin it. Think of all the big spenders out there and them dropping money to double up power or block or specials. AW would become a joke. They already have items that boost your attack and defense why add more stuff that permanently changes a champ. If you want to add more items that do unique things but expire I would be more open to that.
  • WhoKnowsITWhoKnowsIT Member Posts: 87
    edited July 2017
    Thanks for this warning i wont spend any penny on this game anymore. Untill i know how what and when.
  • UltimatheoryUltimatheory Member Posts: 520 ★★★
    Some people are too cynical. Something like this I could see taking a new in game currency like how Glory was recently introduced and be obtained through general questing or maybe through Bases (still coming soon?). I see items/equipment as only slightly altering champs, maybe 2-5% worth of a boost to one stat per item equip. Nothing game altering but something that adds something beyond synergies to add a new element to what we have.
  • Etaki_LirakoiEtaki_Lirakoi Member Posts: 480 ★★
    edited July 2017
    I think one of the arguments against this is that it would add more RNG to the game. Got this champ? Well now you need this specific item to basically unlock their full potential. Don't have it? To bad, now all these other people who do have it way easier than you ever will at (Insert limited-time event name here).

    It also might change the game completely, in one of the worst ways possible. I know when 12.0 came about with changed stats and numbers and how they interacted, it just killed my joy of playing the game till they changed some of it back, items could easily do the same for me and probably many others too.

    The Devs have to remember, we like to play this game, don't try to change it because "Warcraft does the stuff like this and they are very successful, so we should too!", we don't play WoW, we play MCoC.
  • UltimatheoryUltimatheory Member Posts: 520 ★★★
    WhoKnowsIT wrote: »
    Thanks for this warning i wont spend any penny on this game anymore. Untill i know how what and when.

    This is also what I'm hoping to get some feedback on. If we have any idea yet of how, what, and when yet.
  • HoidCosmereHoidCosmere Member Posts: 550 ★★
    Horrible Idea IMO, the thought of having a chance to purchase and don't fool yourself, it will be a purchase of gears or items will ruin it. Think of all the big spenders out there and them dropping money to double up power or block or specials. AW would become a joke. They already have items that boost your attack and defense why add more stuff that permanently changes a champ. If you want to add more items that do unique things but expire I would be more open to that.

    I agree with this. But speaking of Wars, why not do something similar to this for wars. Instead of having all the nodes the same every war, give the leader all the buffs available and allow him/her to set which nodes to put them on. Obviously with some limits, like you can't put all the available 40% extra bleed on one node and put Gwenpool there. Maybe have the same 55 node packages and you can move them around. IDK, would be a nice added strategy element.
  • HoidCosmereHoidCosmere Member Posts: 550 ★★
    WhoKnowsIT wrote: »
    Thanks for this warning i wont spend any penny on this game anymore. Untill i know how what and when.

    This is also what I'm hoping to get some feedback on. If we have any idea yet of how, what, and when yet.

    Hopefully never
  • UltimatheoryUltimatheory Member Posts: 520 ★★★
    eXtripa69 wrote: »
    The idea itself is horrible, and they will all end up doing the same thing they did with Carnage (nerf base stats so that he can buff them to normal at a cost of money)

    Or they could not as all current heroes base stats are already set. People are too pessimistic here. It's a wonder the devs are ever able to release anything new. People are too afraid to step outside of their bubble. All aspects of the game are currently F2P. It's how Kabam has retained a larger player base and I don't see them stepping away from that.
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    eXtripa69 wrote: »
    The idea itself is horrible, and they will all end up doing the same thing they did with Carnage (nerf base stats so that he can buff them to normal at a cost of money)

    Or they could not as all current heroes base stats are already set. People are too pessimistic here. It's a wonder the devs are ever able to release anything new. People are too afraid to step outside of their bubble. All aspects of the game are currently F2P. It's how Kabam has retained a larger player base and I don't see them stepping away from that.

    Gears aren't needed in the game. Instead of we increase our champions stats, Kabam is the one who needs to release content without any BS included (which is not happening for now).
    We all know how things would become with gears. More confusion, nerf of the base stats of increased difficult in all content of the game
  • This content has been removed.
  • rogueKlyntarrogueKlyntar Member Posts: 268
    I agree with RehctanBew and Captain_Amazing. I'm already pissed about Kang and Thanos, despite the latter's relatively poor reviews (I keep all my Champs, including 2*s, for Arena use). Unless the items are readily obtainable 24/7, have set properties that do not change and are unique to each champion; but that would be too laborious for the programmers... Perhaps a single item for each champion, obtainable by completing a story quest on a special difficulty? Or better yet, upon completing the Hard difficulty for the Class-specific daily quest, the player is given the choice to pick the champion whose item s/he wants to have...of course, the champions would be of the quest's class... And this ought to be for 3* and up or 4* and up only...

    ...but on the whole, a bad idea.
  • rogueKlyntarrogueKlyntar Member Posts: 268
    BTW if anybody plays Future Fight, am I the only one who hates the changes to the Gear system?
  • DarkestDestroyerDarkestDestroyer Member Posts: 2,888 ★★★★★
    I think it's a sweet idea
  • AxeCopFireAxeCopFire Member Posts: 1,115 ★★★
    Did no one watch the motion comic for this month's event quest? The artifacts system is already coming:

    They started teasing artifacts in the Spider-Man quest. Remember Vulture was scavenging "dangerous ancient tech"? This month Kingpin kidnapped Lockjaw to sniff out more of these artifacts.

    I can't believe that all the reactionaries aren't already freaking out about it. They could even come out as early as next month. Working on an artifacts system would certainly explain why Kabam doesn't seem to have the time to fix alliance wars at the moment.
  • DegirmenciogluDegirmencioglu Member Posts: 93
    One thing I’ve learned by playing this game...

    That people who play this game that spreads all of this xenophobia are idiots.
  • FAL7ENFAL7EN Member Posts: 297
    Yes bring the items! Lol
  • AshtontonicAshtontonic Member Posts: 63
    if you cant fix the damn game without the cuztomize item system, do you think you can fix it after more and more customization jumps in???
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,313 ★★★★★
    What does everyone else think of this? Ideas how you would implement it? Now that the dust seems to have settled on a majority of the debilitating bugs do we have any word from the devs if we are still considering this?

    Just to clarify on when did you started playing? It's not an issue of seniority. It's getting a more accurate perspective on experiencing all phases of the game and using that experience to evaluate objectively the intended game changes. What does the change mean for the
    a/ wider community,
    b/ those who played before v12,
    c/ those after v12,
    d/ paying,
    e/ non-playing customer, and
    f/ lastly yourself

    The general feedback concerns the game change which flows in a circle. Champs were nerfed; directly and indirectly via flat value system, diminishing return, challenger rating and then introducing items / customisation / gears whatever the name is and finally, your champs are as strong as it was before v12.

    Rather than just read a portion of what is said, why not read it in its entirety?

    About this whole Gears thing

  • UltimatheoryUltimatheory Member Posts: 520 ★★★
    edited September 2017
    Was not expecting this thread to get necro'd ever.
    winterthur wrote: »
    What does everyone else think of this? Ideas how you would implement it? Now that the dust seems to have settled on a majority of the debilitating bugs do we have any word from the devs if we are still considering this?

    Just to clarify on when did you started playing? It's not an issue of seniority. It's getting a more accurate perspective on experiencing all phases of the game and using that experience to evaluate objectively the intended game changes. What does the change mean for the
    a/ wider community,
    b/ those who played before v12,
    c/ those after v12,
    d/ paying,
    e/ non-playing customer, and
    f/ lastly yourself

    The general feedback concerns the game change which flows in a circle. Champs were nerfed; directly and indirectly via flat value system, diminishing return, challenger rating and then introducing items / customisation / gears whatever the name is and finally, your champs are as strong as it was before v12.

    Rather than just read a portion of what is said, why not read it in its entirety?

    About this whole Gears thing

    Not really sure what you're trying to point out. If implemented correctly it would be accessible to the entire community. Obviously I've read the entire post and picked out the relevant information. Champs will never be as strong as before v12. First of all diminishing returns won't allow it and secondly Kabam won't want it.
    One thing I’ve learned by playing this game...

    That people who play this game that spreads all of this xenophobia are idiots.

    Pretty much this. People won't accept something like this because they have no faith in the gaming company which they invest a lot of time in to roll out something correctly. Much of it has been justified particularly in the past 6 months with new content largely getting implemented in an unfavorable way to the majority of the customer base so it's hard for me not to sympathize. Some people are a little over the top about it however.

    This thread was only started to address:
    - IF they were still considering gear. It would be largely naive to think they weren't.
    - if they could PLEASE let us have some insight as to how it would be done if they are considering it. Looking at recent releases of new content this needs to be done. Maybe the Content Creator's Program will help with this. There is still no info on this yet either so who knows.

    I still hold by the stance that I just wanted new content added to the game. This thread was before the announcement of 6*'s and the AW update. I still would have had this instead of both of those. At least it would have been something completely new to play for.
  • TheMageHunterTheMageHunter Member Posts: 711 ★★
    I for one would like a reskin system to make our lame champs look much cooler and if they do add some boosts along with them then make it extremely minimal like +1% crit rate or +3% attack
  • superunknown012superunknown012 Member Posts: 413 ★★
    My question regarding this whole thing is what exactly is the difference between gear/items/champ customization/whatever you want to call it and masteries? We essentially already have a very similar kind of system in place that allows us to tweak our rosters how we see fit and no one really kicks up a storm about that.
  • Etaki_LirakoiEtaki_Lirakoi Member Posts: 480 ★★
    edited September 2017
    My question regarding this whole thing is what exactly is the difference between gear/items/champ customization/whatever you want to call it and masteries? We essentially already have a very similar kind of system in place that allows us to tweak our rosters how we see fit and no one really kicks up a storm about that.
    Masteries change all champions and aren’t subject to RNG, are always available on command and can be changed at any time.
  • superunknown012superunknown012 Member Posts: 413 ★★
    edited September 2017
    My question regarding this whole thing is what exactly is the difference between gear/items/champ customization/whatever you want to call it and masteries? We essentially already have a very similar kind of system in place that allows us to tweak our rosters how we see fit and no one really kicks up a storm about that.
    Masteries change all champions and aren’t subject to RNG, are always available on command and can be changed at any time.

    Ehhhhhhhh yes and no. Does MD change your Venom? Does Deep Wounds change your Cyclops?

    All the uproar about this is very common MCOC player fan base freaking out far too early. IF any sort of new item system is going to be introduced it's going to happen whether or not you like it. This is a "live game" after all, no?

    No use in getting upset until you have a better handle on exactly how something works and will be rolled out.
  • Etaki_LirakoiEtaki_Lirakoi Member Posts: 480 ★★
    edited September 2017
    My question regarding this whole thing is what exactly is the difference between gear/items/champ customization/whatever you want to call it and masteries? We essentially already have a very similar kind of system in place that allows us to tweak our rosters how we see fit and no one really kicks up a storm about that.
    Masteries change all champions and aren’t subject to RNG, are always available on command and can be changed at any time.

    Ehhhhhhhh yes and no. Does MD change your Venom? Does Deep Wounds change your Cyclops?

    All the uproar about this is very common MCOC player fan base freaking out far too early. IF any sort of new item system is going to be introduced it's going to happen whether or not you don't like it. This is a "live game" after all, no?

    No use in getting upset until you have a better handle on exactly how something works and will be rolled out.
    MD changes all mystic champions, not one, like items do.

    Also, as seen with 12.0 and 15.0, the players can be right even when the content hasn’t been rolled out yet but information has (who would’ve thought?).

    Also, isn’t items one of the reasons the Chinese versions of Mcoc failed?
  • superunknown012superunknown012 Member Posts: 413 ★★
    My question regarding this whole thing is what exactly is the difference between gear/items/champ customization/whatever you want to call it and masteries? We essentially already have a very similar kind of system in place that allows us to tweak our rosters how we see fit and no one really kicks up a storm about that.
    Masteries change all champions and aren’t subject to RNG, are always available on command and can be changed at any time.

    Ehhhhhhhh yes and no. Does MD change your Venom? Does Deep Wounds change your Cyclops?

    All the uproar about this is very common MCOC player fan base freaking out far too early. IF any sort of new item system is going to be introduced it's going to happen whether or not you don't like it. This is a "live game" after all, no?

    No use in getting upset until you have a better handle on exactly how something works and will be rolled out.
    MD changes all mystic champions, not one, like items do.

    Also, as seen with 12.0 and 15.0, the players can be right even when the content hasn’t been rolled out yet but information has (who would’ve thought?).

    Also, isn’t items one of the reasons the Chinese versions of Mcoc failed?

    Be that as it may - why make judgement before you see specifics? Masteries, specifically the most sought after, come with a pretty hefty price point. If your champ specific items were a fraction of the cost, I don't see the problem in doing basically the same exact thing just on a more micro than macro basis.

    Sure, 12.0 (definitely more so) and 15.0 were rough, and the game team adjusted. What they didn't do is reverse course and roll back to the start. Many of the same basic principals that accompanied those updates continued on. For 12.0 "god-tier" champs were brought down a peg (or two, or three depending on who you're discussing) and with 15.0 diversity still remains an important aspect and defender kills are still MIA. If the game team wants to roll something new out, they will. It might get tweaked later on, but the same basic concept will be there.

    And going by OPs post (too lazy to double check), Caf has said this system would not be the same as the failed Chinese version. I would like to think they worked many of the kinks in that out already.

    My overall message remains the same - it's going to happen if they want it to happen. Let's just chill and wait til we have more data to go off of. That, and I appreciate the cogent, informed points you're bringing - nice to have a real discussion on this board once in a while.
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