Proxima, hawkeye, dorm, killmonger, thor. You have power control with hawk and dorm you have bleed with km proxima is a beast so power and thor can chain stun. Lots of other benefits too but those 5 make a helluva team. Way better then what i had for act 4.
Killmonger & Black Panther have nice synergy. Black Panther & Hawkeye have a great synergy on their bleed abilities. You can start there; you’d have 3 great bored champs, with a power control option in Hawkeye. I only have crossbones & proxima as 3*, but I hear they are great. You have a couple of nice 5* options, so I would lean toward using them & mix in your 4* as you go. Your duped Thor can help with stuns, Dormammu is another good power control champ. Kingpin has ability accuracy reduction for the Electros of the world. Guillotine is useful for her heal reversal.
Don’t waste your time or resources on Howard the Duck, Carnage, magneto, or iron patriot. You’ve got a pretty good roster going, but don’t make the mistake I made early on & use resources ranking up blah champs. Good luck on chapter 4!
Thanks for the input! after thinking about it more the bp killmonger hawkeye synergy is what i want my core to be. proxima imo is a must because shes a straight boss killer and her ability accuracy reduction is great. my problem now is between dormammu and thor. constant stun or power control?
Don't spit on Howard the tank, please. He's underrated and hated because he smokes cigar, but, he's been very valuable for me against muties (regen/class adv). I've killed many Wolvies (both) with him.
Killmonger,Hawkeye,Thor,crossbones and the last one you can change as needed...these 4 give u almost everything other than healing and ur last champ can be dorm if needed for immunity or bpcw for synergies..
Ur core team will provide u with power control(Hawkeye),ability accuracy reduction(crossbones),raw damage(Thor) and multi utility of killmonger..u should breeze through act 4 with ur champs
Don’t waste your time or resources on Howard the Duck, Carnage, magneto, or iron patriot. You’ve got a pretty good roster going, but don’t make the mistake I made early on & use resources ranking up blah champs. Good luck on chapter 4!
Ur core team will provide u with power control(Hawkeye),ability accuracy reduction(crossbones),raw damage(Thor) and multi utility of killmonger..u should breeze through act 4 with ur champs