17 millally looking for 1 member 6700k prestige

6.7k prestige aq = 5x5
War current rank 178 platinum 3
We are looking for a member that is active and can clear a line in war with none to minimal deaths willing to chip in a grow with the alliance we do not have a massive turn over of members we have all been playing together for over 2 years nowso basically we have become a family and have built this ally from ground up we are not slave drivers we understand every day life occurs and interrupts play but communication has been key to our success add me I ln game or on line app cj221930
War current rank 178 platinum 3
We are looking for a member that is active and can clear a line in war with none to minimal deaths willing to chip in a grow with the alliance we do not have a massive turn over of members we have all been playing together for over 2 years nowso basically we have become a family and have built this ally from ground up we are not slave drivers we understand every day life occurs and interrupts play but communication has been key to our success add me I ln game or on line app cj221930