my problem with gwenpool goes to the movies

I have a problem completing gwenpool goes to the movies because i dont have Ironman Infinity war ! I've opened about 20 cinematic crystals and i did not get him.
So is this a quest for the people who only buys feature crystals ? if so kabam should have given a fair warning to free players like me to not invest time in this quest
Thanks kabam for making it more and more about the money.
So is this a quest for the people who only buys feature crystals ? if so kabam should have given a fair warning to free players like me to not invest time in this quest
Thanks kabam for making it more and more about the money.
Oh wait, they have. Same for the other 100 people that have answered the other 100 topics opened on the same thing.
It’s not kabam’s fault that you don’t read the pinned topics. They’re pinned for a good reason.
SaMe TiMe It DiD lAsT WeEk DeRp!