Act 4 - Rank up Advice

Hey everyone. I'm looking at my next Rank up to help me get through Act 4 and the start of Act 5. I plan to explore Act 4 as much as i can. Which Champ available for Rank Up should I take to help me out the most, and why? (From Thor to Moon K) I included my questing champs to show where i am at currently if it helps. Any help would go a long way, Thanks!

Thor is nice if you like "parry style"
#you really have nice roster u know
I went ahead and did Angela, I had no Idea about the Warrior Queens Synergy that made my Magik even better.
And, now that I completed Act 4 using all the fast lanes, I Ranked Morning Star to help that synergy as well. I'm headed to exploring as much as possible before the energy cost reduction ends. I think Ghost Rider or Ultron are my next choices for their immunities.
I know! I was really lucky she was my first 2, 5* pulls.
as far as ranking up goes, just do sabertooth, and save on the rest of your resources for now.
Aside from him, 5* Magik, Archangel, X23 , Void and Ghost Rider.
Thats is exactly my plan. As far as Sabretooth, I'm still not sure about him. I know he is a good champ, but I just don't like the play style. I think if i got Killmonger i would be more than happy to learn.
What do you mean by RagnaHulk walking?
I'm really leaning on Ghost Rider or Ultron next because of their regen and bleed immunity.