Daily Quest for T4CC; No Rotation of boss

I am not sure if Kabam is doing this intentionally but for the past 3 days, the daily quest for T4CC (currently for cosmic T4CC) has the same boss for each of the 3 routes taken. It has been ULTRON. Previously, there was a rotation of bosses such as Ultron, Gambit, Crossbones. Or rather you would never face the same boss for every route. Once in a while, you might get the same boss in two of the three routes. But, I've never gotten the same boss in all three routes. The past 3 days, it has been Ultron, Ultron, Ultron, and more Ultron. I have not seen Gambit or Crossbones at all. Anyone seen this pattern? Is this a new change from Kabam to this Daily Quest?
I used to play medium unless it was Ultron, when I'd play easy. My top players and my skills are a little better, now, so I'm back to playing medium, but Ultron is still the toughest!
It would be nice to get this back to a rotation; maybe updated with some more recent champs as bosses.