MCOC 6 Stars

FedxxxxFedxxxx Member Posts: 29
6 Stars
Marvel Contest of Champions

Level/Rank info
New Rank 6, max signature ability (both) level cap of 250 and max level cap of 85.
Rank 1 level cap: 25
Requirements -> R2: 5 T4 Basic, 3 T1 Omega, 8 T2 Alpha, 3 T2 Alpha. Gold: 128,490
Rank 2 level cap: 35
Requirements -> R3: 1 T5 Basic, 7 T1 Omega, 3 T2 Alpha. Gold: 349,390
Rank 3 level cap: 45
Requirements -> R4: 3 T5 Basic, 1 T2 Omega, 5 T2 Alpha. Gold: 539,400
Rank 4 level cap: 55
Requirements -> R5: 6 T5 Basic, 4 T2 Omega, 5 T2 Alpha, 1 T3 Alpha. Gold: 749,290
Rank 5 level cap: 70
Requirements -> R6: 8 T5 Basic, 6 T2 Omega, 8 T2 Aplha, 4 T3 Alpha. Gold: 1,045,600
Rank 6 level cap: 85

How to get 6 stars
6 star crystal
How to get: Collect 20k 6 star crystal shards.
6 star featured crystal
How to get: Collect 30k 6 star crystal shards
All-type Crystal
How to get: Collect 75k 6 star crystal shards
6 star pieced crystal
How to get: Collect one of each class’ 6 star crystal piece and a basic 6 star piece.

Crystal info
6 star crystal
Guarantees a 6 star champion. 6 star crystal shards can be earned as high ranked rewards in solo events or in some event quests.
6 star featured crystal
Guarantees a 6 star champion with a chance at the featured champion. 6 star crystal shards can be earned as high ranked rewards in solo events or in some event quests.
All-Type crystal
Guarantees an All-Type 6 star champion. 6 star crystal shards can be earned as high ranked rewards in solo events or in some event quests.
6 star Pieced crystal
Guarantees one of the best champions in the game as voted on by players in an event (2 per class). A very rare chance to find an All-type. You can only get a 6 star crystal piece from special rare events. You can spend all of them together to get a very rare chance at an All-Type or spend them singularly to get a class specific 6 star crystal (only the two best).

All-Type champions
The Collector
The Grandmaster

All-Type info
All-Type champions are the strongest characters in the Battlerealm! They have the class bonus on all characters and have immeasurable power. All-Type characters can only be obtained in the All-Type crystal, a very rare drop in the 6 star Piece crystal or from the Most Powerful crystal which is a 5 star All-Type crystal at 100k 5 star shards. The most powerful is Cyttorak and the weakest is Skaar. To rank up, instead of class catalysts, you will need to collect Omega Class Catalysts which can only be obtained in Master Collector Free-for-all in fragments.

Omega Catalyst

6 star signature ability info
When duplicated signature ability level +30. 6 stars have their primal signature ability and their superior signature ability. Their primal signature ability is like any normal signature ability except when you duplicate the champion and there are less than 30 levels available to level up, the character’s superior signature ability will be awakened and the remaining levels will be added to the superior ability. Super signature abilities are a lot more powerful and have a significantly larger effect on fights compared to their primal ability. You can awaken primal signature abilities with a normal 6 star awakening gem, but to awaken their superior signature abilities, you will need to use a superior 6 star awakening gem, which are a lot rarer and harder to get. When you reach max level on their superior signature ability though, instead of getting a normal max signature ability crystal, you will get a Greater max signature ability crystal.

Greater Max Signature Ability Crystal
5 star Iron Fist (Immortal)
Tier 1 & 2 Omega Catalysts
Normal 6 star awakening gems (class and generic)
6 star signature stones (class and generic, +3, +4 and +5)
6 star rank up gem (1 - 2 and 2 - 3, class and generic)
5 star rank up gem (4 - 5, generic only)
6 star crystal piece
5k 6 star shards
10k 6 star shards
15k 6 star shards
Tier 3 Alpha Catalysts


  • FedxxxxFedxxxx Member Posts: 29
    What do you think?
  • CuteshelfCuteshelf Member Posts: 747 ★★★
    Bugger that
  • FuzzylumpsFuzzylumps Member Posts: 116
    Yea and start dropping 5* from PHC :)
  • FedxxxxFedxxxx Member Posts: 29
    REMEMBER: THIS IS NOT FOR NOW! THIS IS MEANT FOR KABAM IN ABOUT 6 - 12 MONTHS! So please don't be butthurt or triggered, because if you are, seriously
  • bloodyCainbloodyCain Member Posts: 910 ★★★
    WhoKnowsIT wrote: »
    Sounds like someone really should look for a girlfriend.

  • I_am_GrootI_am_Groot Member Posts: 646 ★★
    You wanna screw us.
  • ThawnimThawnim Member Posts: 1,461 ★★★★
    They will add gear before they ever add 6*s.
  • NEONEO Member Posts: 347
    What a waste of time...
  • GunzoGunzo Member Posts: 719 ★★
    LOL, July fools everyone!
  • Eos_Nano_XEos_Nano_X Member Posts: 304
    I think the 6 star system is needed. Its should be reserved for the stongest champions.
  • Truemexican1199Truemexican1199 Member Posts: 6
    They havent even added the "Base" mode in and you want 6*s haha
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,937 ★★★★★
    It's a concept anyway. I think we're not close to that yet. They will have to introduce T5's first, along with other changes. Those changes come gradually. Perhaps someday.
  • ThawnimThawnim Member Posts: 1,461 ★★★★
    It's a concept anyway. I think we're not close to that yet. They will have to introduce T5's first, along with other changes. Those changes come gradually. Perhaps someday.

    But they have a plan for this game to extend out to 2020. It's surprising they haven't decided to just make an MCOC 2.
  • A_Noob_Is1A_Noob_Is1 Member Posts: 762 ★★
    Not in a million years dude...
  • Ron_HRon_H Member Posts: 64

    Thawnim wrote: »

    But they have a plan for this game to extend out to 2020. It's surprising they haven't decided to just make an MCOC 2.

    Lol cause MCOC 2 probably wouldnt be even close to a succes. We seen what kabam did to this game over the course of its existence.. and i doubt majority of the players would sign up for MCOC 2. Im pretty sure theres a big percentage of players still playing cause they invested alot of time/ money that otherwise would have quit the game. Dont see those signing up for a new MCOC game and start all over again.

    As for 6 stars.. dude we had 5* for a year or so now and cant even max out those.. lol the comment he needs a gf...maybe when he has one hes also already thinking about the next one.. lmao
  • I_am_GrootI_am_Groot Member Posts: 646 ★★
    Ron_H wrote: »
    Gf...maybe when he has one hes also already thinking about the next one.. lmao
    Can you blame him? I think everyone do it. Right?.
  • OZSMASHU_YTOZSMASHU_YT Member Posts: 137
    Slux83 wrote: »
    LoL this is useless! We still not able to max out a 5* and you are talking about 6* champs?

    I Totally Agree
  • OZSMASHU_YTOZSMASHU_YT Member Posts: 137
  • CrusherOfDreamsCrusherOfDreams Guest, Member Posts: 1,370 ★★★
    I'll be honest, I really love the idea of an elite tier of these "Universal" champs with Classes like Maestro has. However, with 6 stars.... no. We're good with 5. They have their own unique rarity, and we shouldn't develop anything past that.
  • OZSMASHU_YTOZSMASHU_YT Member Posts: 137
    Hey and shouldn't there be a cap 7 every champion has a cap 1 higher than their own rank.
  • OZSMASHU_YTOZSMASHU_YT Member Posts: 137
  • CapWW2CapWW2 Member Posts: 2,901 ★★★★
    Too good that ACT 6 might be with 6 stars. This game is boring with 5 stars only. AQ is too easy! We need 6 stars with 40 percent higher stats than 5 stars.

    Also kabam for AQ next season put enrage/limber buffs to AQ minibosses and final boss. Also, please pick a nasty champ for AQ boss like The collector with good buffs just like 5.2. AQ is too damn easy kabam, i havent revived once since 2015, you are not making a profit out it. Make it a challenge so only the chosen ones can beat it. Make AQ a skill challenge not a nonsense timer log in commitment.

    In summary, AQ boss for new season should be the collector.

    Act 6 should have 6 stars.

    All special quest should have 6 stars from 2018 and on.

    Make the content scale more exponentially in difficulty depending on the champ you have for AQ. The system now is a joke. I use 4 stars to beat the whole thing.
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