Treasury - Option for the leader to collect

Every now and then an alliance dissolves and a lot of resouces go to waste or are left in the ruins of the old alliance.
An option for the leader to collect the treasury would be great.
Apologies if this has already been covered and thanks in advance for every enlightning answer.
Every now and then an alliance dissolves and a lot of resouces go to waste or are left in the ruins of the old alliance.
An option for the leader to collect the treasury would be great.
Apologies if this has already been covered and thanks in advance for every enlightning answer.
1. This gives leader actual power over other players resources, which is not ethical and probably ilegal
2. Many players use units to donate their part and not resources, so what happens when a leader takes away resources from a player who wanted to donate resources based on units?
3. If a leader is not in position to pursuade the members of an alliance to donate their part, then he should quit being a leader or kick the members who are not contributing their part.