Improvment suggetions.

I would like to give two improvement suggestions for the game.

1 - Story quest and Daily events has too many paths to explore. Some has 7 paths or some has 8 paths. Sometimes we had to play the quest or event just to explore 2% remaining path to complet 100% and that 2% path has no defenders to kill.

****So can we add new feature here that as the path splits we can also split our champs to explore quest or event 100% at one go. We should be able to split our champs like 3 champs will take right side and 2 champs will tale left side or each champ will take single path.

It will help us from playing same quest or event for 7-8 times just to complet 100% which is equals to 2-3 days per event. Due to this I am unable to play daily events and unable to upgrade champions.****

2 - I have around 150 champs. Out of 150 champs I can use my top 15 champs in different different quest or events. ​But due to game limitation I cant use more than 5 champs at one time and cant play more than one event or quest at one time.

****We should be able to play Story quest, daily event and monthly events at the same time with the champs we have available.
Like when we are playing in Alliance quest and in Alliance war our 11 champs are locked till the war and quest ends and meanwhile we can play rest events with remaining champs.

As we are able play one event at one time, its become hard to complet monthly events, daily events or story quest. We had to leave one of them to complet rest.

If we are able to play all this at once then ""It will help us to complet all the events before deadline and we can sleep for at least 8 hours and have lunch and other thing on time and last but net least we will get all rewards.""

One more thing please reduse the energy regain time. Right now it is 6 minutes per energy. Due to this issue we have to play game at any time just to explore all quest or events. which is affecting our life cycle.
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