Max 3*?

Should I max rank all my 3* for arenas or not worry about it? I know it uses a lot of gold and resources. I haven't started act 5 yet or completed ROL or RTL. I have around 35 4* and only one of those are r5. Just trying to figure out the best strategy to start getting more champs as fast as possible. It's a struggle to hit 3 mil in arenas with current roster. Thanks in advance.
That's essentially what I'm doing right now. I have the team to beat uncollected and ROL now if I wanted. But I need some more r5 4* to really make it easiest as possible.
Just sell your ISO. No point in ranking champs you don't need. But it's up to you.
Makes unit farming in the 3* arena easy.
On android, the wait time in between fights is very slow. I take almost an hour to complete 13 rounds of fights in the 4* basic arena. By then, all 4* are used and I am too tired to start using 3*s.
Actually 3*s can be very useful in arenas with the arena boost you are getting all the time. Plus, one tip the most important tip to be good at this game is to not sell anything including your heroes, items, and etc. You will get more value from using them.