Becoming Elders Bane

HairyslugHairyslug Member Posts: 76
edited August 2018 in Strategy and Tips
Anybody got any tips on who I should use or acquire for chapter 3 and 4 I don’t have many decent 5*s yet and haven’t R5 many 4*s as there not much use,
my highest rated champs are 5* R4 Gwenpool (unduped) 5* R3 IRon man IW (unduped) 5* R3 Dr V (unduped) 4*R5 Hyperion (duped) 4*r5 iceman (duped) 4*r4 Stark spidey (duped) 4*r4 void (duped) 4*r4 SW (duped) 4*CapIW (duped)


  • AddyosAddyos Member Posts: 1,098 ★★★★
    Seatin recently cleared Act 5 100% with his free-to-play account, so you can check out his recent run. Also do not underestimate the value of certain 4*s for Act 5 Chap. 3, such as SW and Stark Spidey.
    Focus on your good 5*s obviously, but don't ever say 4*s have not much use if you don't have a better 5* to use in certain areas of the game.
  • mum_m2mum_m2 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★
    you're going to have a bad time in a lot of the levels. There's a Dorm in every level. there's either a Magik or an Iceman floating around too. with a 50% weakness applied to your champs if you don't use the correct class. the fights are excruciatingly long. my honest is advice is come back to this one later. Do all of act 5.4 first as your champs are more fitting for that. you got the double immunity, you got the hard hitters in GP and hyperion. build up your roster a bit and then take a look at 5.3.
  • Bdavis_2017Bdavis_2017 Member Posts: 245
    Rank 5 your stark spidey and you can do about 80% of 5.3 10 poise charges makes up for 50% attack decrease, can do most of 5.4 also, iceman will take care of bleed and poison paths, use full X-men team with 4* iceman is what I used
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