Whom should I upgrade

RatnadipRatnadip Member Posts: 34
5* hela or Angela to R4? both are undupp


  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★
    Nice choice to have. No advice, though. I like them both.
  • 10or_Strong10or_Strong Member Posts: 1,203 ★★★
    I have more experience with Hela and I think she's badass, so I would personally advise her. However, I have seen a lot of love for Angela lately, and I don't really have experience with her, so I can't say whether it's warranted or not. One thing I'd look at in your place are any synergy advantages either may give to your other core champs. When both choices are good, look at how you're going to use them and who they may have helpful synergies with.
  • EnderDraco58EnderDraco58 Member Posts: 957 ★★
    Hela is kinda ok. Her heavy giving her furies is her main selling point. Her overall damage output is kinda lackluster, as she needs to gain furies or apply armor breaks to deal massive damage. Heavies are overall really easy to punish if they're missed, so that's not the best option. She needs to be duped to be considered viable, as her dupe gives her indestructibility and extra spirits for each dead ally, which helps her keep her furies.

    I don't have much on angela, but people seem to like her, so I'd say rank her up.
  • Mitchell35Mitchell35 Member Posts: 1,897 ★★★★
  • Biggoron713Biggoron713 Member Posts: 38
    On Angela while attacking:
    She gains up to 2 Armor Up Buffs when landing a critical with less than a bar of power
    She then gains up to 2 Fury Buffs when landing a critical with 1 bar of power
    Shen then gains up to 2 Precision Buffs When landing a critical hit with 2 bars of power.
    When she reaches 3 bars of power, all the buffs gain %50 aptitude. Meaning they are that much more effective.

    Essentially, by keeping a combo you ramp up her damage to high levels and her critical hits become consistent.
    She literally hits like a truck.

    She has a small regen if you're getting hit, but that doesn't make much of a difference
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