Project Badass

Hey Bro, are you a cool bro looking to play this mind numbing game with a bunch of other cool bros? Are you a broette? Because that is cool too, we have one of those!
We are a Gold 1 alliance looking to fill a few retirement slots after season ended. We need active, fun and hungry people to enhance the enjoyment for the group. Our requirements are basic. Activity, standard donations, completion event. We can talk about details further after connecting.
Add me in line if interested: pharts1. IGN: Pharts. Tag: LordD
P.S. there were a lot of heavy Always Sunny references in here, so if this seems cheesy as hell, it is.
We are a Gold 1 alliance looking to fill a few retirement slots after season ended. We need active, fun and hungry people to enhance the enjoyment for the group. Our requirements are basic. Activity, standard donations, completion event. We can talk about details further after connecting.
Add me in line if interested: pharts1. IGN: Pharts. Tag: LordD
P.S. there were a lot of heavy Always Sunny references in here, so if this seems cheesy as hell, it is.