What Science 5 star should i rank 3?

Im looking to complete act 5.3 and 5.4 very soon and am wondering what science champion would be better for me to invest in.
My current top champs are:
Awakened drax 4/55 (I know i shouldnt have ranked him up but i did back then)
Iceman 4/55
Awakened IMIW 4/55 (Defense)
6 star Luke cage

I also have a science awakening gem but am saving it for Void

What Science 5 star should i rank 3? 24 votes

Gladiator Hulk Awakened sig 40
AjavedJets44MrLalowSpeedbumpDuke_SilverSgtSlaughter78tntslJohn757EnderDraco58FhfjghhggggjfhfjgSaket_123 11 votes
Captain America IW Unawakened
Spity68BuckeyeKPSuperman69AjisdopeFoxhero007Icecold2099Stagedear85HotFondue1520Noob2435TajzzzWebby72FooshblalalaChobo9 13 votes


  • HotFondue1520HotFondue1520 Member Posts: 157
    Captain America IW Unawakened
    CAP is a beaaaast
  • EnderDraco58EnderDraco58 Member Posts: 957 ★★
    Gladiator Hulk Awakened sig 40
    I feel like Ghulk is more situational, ass you need a passive DOT effect to activate Face Me. Smash chances are pretty low too. Overall, he's a pretty luck-reliant champ. Cap is a more balanced overall champ. It truly depends on whether you're into a more risk-reward champ, or a consistent, reliable one.
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