Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Falcon's Redwing/Locked On Ability

CrusherOfDreamsCrusherOfDreams Posts: 1,370 ★★★
Attacks upon some other things. There is a cooldown timer in between uses and at the start of the fight. Falcon's Awakened Ability allows Redwing to be ready right at the start of the fight, removing the cooldown timer right at the start. I have Falcon as a 4 star, but he is not duplicated. When I start a fight, regardless of who I'm using, I block in hopes to Parry the enemy. If that doesn't work, I dodge back and get ready to fight. But sometimes, (about a 50/50 chance) even without his Awakened Ability, I'll start blocking and the Redwing will start it's scan thing to Lock On to the enemy. The charging up timer is stacked on top of the cooldown timer, and that's where chaos begins. There are at this point 2 timers stacked on top of each other, counting different things at different times. Two things can happen at this point:

1) I can continue blocking until Locked On activates. At this point, the enemy is Locked On, and yet the cooldown for Locked On is continuing. When Locked On dissipates, the new cooldown timer reappears, but the first cooldown timer dissapears since Redwing is ready to Lock On to the enemy. Now Locked On can be activated again with a cooldown timer still active. This makes no sense, is confusing to decipher, and I just stop using it all together.

2) I dodge back, confused at why Locked On is attempting to activate. I begin blocking again, and Locked On starts activating again. At this point I'm thoroughly flustered, and I just let it happen. But by then, the cooldown timer is completed, and Redwing can activate Locked On yet again, on top of the other Locked On, or not at all. It will either just disappear, causing the cooldown timer to immediately appear again, or stack, causing 2 more timers to appear for cooldown, confusing me beyond what I thought was possible for such a basic concept. I just stop using it.

This is the most nonsensical, confusing error I've ever encountered, and it completely obliterates the point of his ability. It makes Falcon hard to use and annoying to fight with. Please fix it. (I have an Android Nexus 10 if that helps) Thanks in advance.


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