Level UP

Should kabam increase the maximum level of the game from 60 to 70?

Level UP 53 votes

TheManMythLegendDidzeeLightZenithAlex13369GrafikdevSpiritOfVengeanceBruce12342F317CassyRokhorneDuke_SilverAtharva111LibertyPrimeV1John757zeezee57Mitchell35crystaldsmithAleorFhfjghhggggjfhfjgHelicopter_dugdugdug 26 votes
Spity68Dave2442A l p h aNitro422Nemesis666IcsGreccolbyscipio987Player_SlasherDanny_StarDarts_89XFA_RebootedchrissbjordannCoulsonPacificWarriorMaldroit2VoltolosWITCHERUCHIHABdavis_2017 18 votes
It's past time
Lukedwonlnfish8six2darkfireNarcuulBahamutSwayam18Noob2435Epsilon3Nb2121 9 votes


  • FingfangfoomfanesFingfangfoomfanes Member Posts: 1,102 ★★★
    Depends on the intention: to have more energy? More mastery points? Expansive item stash? Im happy with lvl 60.
  • Player_SlasherPlayer_Slasher Member Posts: 157 ★★
    Why would Kabam even do that? 10 Levels ain't that much... A total waste of time in my opinion.
  • RokhorneRokhorne Member Posts: 13
    Gone with "yes", assuming the intention is to open more mastery points and increased energy cap. Not sure what happens to XP for capped players so it would be nice for it to count for something.
    they told already last week that there are not doing this for now
  • StarDarts_89StarDarts_89 Member Posts: 419 ★★
    Why tho?
  • LukedwonlnLukedwonln Member Posts: 81
    It's past time

    It would be great new skills tree, more skill points, more energy, not to mention that it would be an evolution in the game, I currently have points left over, this greatly improves the dynamics of the game
  • Mirage_TurtleMirage_Turtle Member Posts: 1,868 ★★★★
    I don't understand these requests. State what you really want. If you don't, Kabam will be left to guess.

    Do you want more Mastery Points? Ask for mastery points. Do you want more rank-up item capacity? Ask for more rank-up item capacity.

    If you're just asking for the level cap to be raised, then maybe you just prefer to display the number "70" instead of "60" next to your profile picture. Without specifics, that's all that's actually being asked.
  • IcsGrecIcsGrec Member Posts: 919 ★★★
    Increasing the level cap will require a massive overhaul of the mastery trees, because presumably every extra level will award one mastery point.
    If not for extra mastery points, then a level increase is not really needed. Energy cap or Storage cap can be adjusted in the current state of the game.
  • LukedwonlnLukedwonln Member Posts: 81
    It's past time
    Because it would be an improvement in the dynamics of the game, because it was the events the game gets monotonous for the players that are at the maximum level. Maybe for you it's a waste of time, except that from my point of view it would be cool, allowing for an expansion in the proficiency tree and so on.
  • SknZnSknZn Member Posts: 442 ★★★
    First off We should able to see how much exp for next lvl.
  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,145 ★★★★★
    yes for increasing energy cap and to give us a use for xp boost. even v without mastery point that would be okay
  • crystaldsmithcrystaldsmith Member Posts: 471 ★★
    I'd love more energy and masteries
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