Summoner Challanges

How about creating summoner challanges where player can choose any champ from their roster and put them in a small map with maximum 5 fights (This fights will be counted as duels). Player can only bring one champ into challange, just like duels.
1. Maximum number of defending champs 5
2. Player can choose from various nodes and buffs for champs.
3. Opponent can fight one summonner only once.
4. Each fight consumes duel credits or duel tokens instead of energy.
5. Summonner can set the reward from his own battlechips, gold or loyalty.
6. Summoner can set conditions such as: Only three stars allowed, Only specific class allowed, no boosts allowed, must not use any specials, must not use block during fights and more. But these are just condition to succefully complete the challange. Opponent can ignore them for just fights. But the first opponent to finish the quest with all the condition met will recieve the rewards and the challange will be removed.
7. Opponent must pay a minimum amount of (Gold, Chips, loyalty, glory or artifacts) in order to enter the challange.
8. If opponent fails the paid fee is given to summoner who put the challange. If opponent clears the challange without meeting conditions set by summoner, he will only get his paid fee back. If opponent clears the challange with all the conditions he gets the fee back plus the rewards.
How the fights will be selected or how one's supposed to challnge a specific summonner?
1. There will be a global list of summoners offering challanges with display of rewards.
2. Summoner must set a minimum amount as rewards.
3. List will show the challanges from most rewarding to least rewarding challanges.
4. Player can access each challange every 5 hours. For example if player got koed before clearing challange or cleared the challange but did not met the conditions will have to wait for 5 hours before he can play again.
5. Challanges stay up until someone clears it with all condition met or summoner decides to cancel the challange.
1. If the challanger cancels the challange before clearing it, he wont be given the fees back he paid to enter nor it will be given to the summoner who put the challange. Opponent must be koed to give the paid fees to the summoner who put the challange.
2. If summoner who put the challange removes the challange before someone clears it, the set reward won't be given back.
What if two or more challangers clears the same challange at the same time? (Very unlikely but possible)
1. If that happens both summoners will be given 50% of the rewards and the challange will be removed.
What if someone clears the challange while I'm doing it?
1. If this scenario happens then challanger will be kicked out and the paid fees will be given back to him while challange will be removed.
2. It's about fast. Who can clear the challange the first gets the rewards. simple.
1. Maximum number of defending champs 5
2. Player can choose from various nodes and buffs for champs.
3. Opponent can fight one summonner only once.
4. Each fight consumes duel credits or duel tokens instead of energy.
5. Summonner can set the reward from his own battlechips, gold or loyalty.
6. Summoner can set conditions such as: Only three stars allowed, Only specific class allowed, no boosts allowed, must not use any specials, must not use block during fights and more. But these are just condition to succefully complete the challange. Opponent can ignore them for just fights. But the first opponent to finish the quest with all the condition met will recieve the rewards and the challange will be removed.
7. Opponent must pay a minimum amount of (Gold, Chips, loyalty, glory or artifacts) in order to enter the challange.
8. If opponent fails the paid fee is given to summoner who put the challange. If opponent clears the challange without meeting conditions set by summoner, he will only get his paid fee back. If opponent clears the challange with all the conditions he gets the fee back plus the rewards.
How the fights will be selected or how one's supposed to challnge a specific summonner?
1. There will be a global list of summoners offering challanges with display of rewards.
2. Summoner must set a minimum amount as rewards.
3. List will show the challanges from most rewarding to least rewarding challanges.
4. Player can access each challange every 5 hours. For example if player got koed before clearing challange or cleared the challange but did not met the conditions will have to wait for 5 hours before he can play again.
5. Challanges stay up until someone clears it with all condition met or summoner decides to cancel the challange.
1. If the challanger cancels the challange before clearing it, he wont be given the fees back he paid to enter nor it will be given to the summoner who put the challange. Opponent must be koed to give the paid fees to the summoner who put the challange.
2. If summoner who put the challange removes the challange before someone clears it, the set reward won't be given back.
What if two or more challangers clears the same challange at the same time? (Very unlikely but possible)
1. If that happens both summoners will be given 50% of the rewards and the challange will be removed.
What if someone clears the challange while I'm doing it?
1. If this scenario happens then challanger will be kicked out and the paid fees will be given back to him while challange will be removed.
2. It's about fast. Who can clear the challange the first gets the rewards. simple.