Prestige 7k looking for high ranked AW/AQ

I'm Looking into my options... see if I can find a very strong alliance that suits myself and my champs.
Tired of being am officer. To be responsible for everything.
Wanna log in play and win.
Competitive and don't like to let people down.


  • Robby199696Robby199696 Member Posts: 85
    We are gold1 tier 4-3 and run 5x5 aq around 6400 prestige. Message me on Line if interested
    Line ID robby19966
  • FixitMobbFixitMobb Member Posts: 315
    Add fixitmobb on LINE please for invite to our main chat.
  • Makhan_PandeyMakhan_Pandey Member Posts: 38
    Line- all.ids.are.taken
    Ign- Sudip Datta
  • mughal96mughal96 Member Posts: 26
    16M + Ally

    Add me on line for more info: mughal96
  • ctp1223ctp1223 Member Posts: 290
    Alliance Tag: RDT6

    We are looking for one player to join our push to plat 3. Many members in our alliance chose to do a lot of pushing during SA week. Many bumped their prestige. So, we need a MINIMUM of 6500 prestige and a good roster.

    Per war, paths are not the same every war but your officer will not put you on a lane where you are at a disadvantage.

    As for AQ, we usually place around 350 on average doing 5x5. With the next AQ update, we will try to do at least 1 group 1 day map 6. (Aiming for 1 group 5 days).

    HMU on LINE ctp1223
  • GorerillaTacticGorerillaTactic Member Posts: 229
    edited September 2018
    GodlyShadow, if you're still searching for an alliance, then looking into The Order of the Ebon Hand, [O.E.H]. We're a chill but active 4.1 million alliance that's recruiting ten plus players with a base rating of 100K+. The LINE app is REQUIRED in order to join. PM one of our officers (ARGaming86, OpethFan1) or our leader Liam Seven (ebonhand) on LINE for more details. IG:GorerillaTactic, Liam 7, OpethFan1

    AW currently runs two to three times a week with one to two BG's while working towards three BG's after we acquire 30 members. We're currently Bronze 3 looking to advance to Silver by the end of Season 3.
    We run Map 2/3 with two BG's while working towards three BGs. During AW: Map 2 is ran during attack and Map 3 during placement. AQ looks like something like this 32323. The use of top champs is a must where nothing under 2K in AQ/AW is allowed.
    Participation is key! Max participation in completion, item use, duels, etc is required. No donation requirements. We understand that life issues happen, but please communicate.

    Our updated stats are as follows : Bronze 2 - 4,161,108 (4.1MIL) - 1,022AW Rating

    Is GodlyShadow also your IGN/LINE name?
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