
ChubzChubz Member Posts: 115
I would definitely love to see an update and buff to some Spider-Man characters. My #1 is definitely Rhino, I want his mechanical design implemented into The Contest.


I would also like to see Electro from Amazing Spider Man. I personally like that design better than the current in game.


Finally, characters a few people have been waiting for such as Reptile, Scorpion, Sandman & Mysterio!!


  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    Idk I like the classic spidy costumes a little better. I do want Sandman and Scorpion tho.
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,176 ★★★★★
    Very few champs cause poison. Scorpion would help that situation. And now that we have Emma frost messing with controls mysterio would also be really good for that and confusion
  • Zeronaut81Zeronaut81 Member Posts: 290 ★★
    I’d love a Sinister Six event introducing sandman, scorpion, the lizard, & mysterio into the contest. It could be a 2-month event that re-vamped Electro, Classic Spidey, and Symbiote Spidey, too. Like intro 2 of the villains (sandman/lizard) on month 1, with a revamp of Classic Spidey to deal with the new dangers.
    On month 2, intro Scorpion & mysterio (have him as the mastermind behind the event), with the revamped electro & symbiote spidey (can reflect some of the classic spidey revamp) tied into the story.

    I love spider-man, & it would be cool to see the classic/symbiote versions get a little updating. Plus, a Sinister Six storyline could be cool as heck.
  • imaginejimimaginejim Member Posts: 333 ★★
    edited September 2018
    Mysterio is set to be the villain of the Spider-Man movie, Spider-Man : Far From Home so if they are going to add him, this would be when they do.
  • ShadowBlade075ShadowBlade075 Member Posts: 126
    I would like to see a iron spider
  • Drake_vampielDrake_vampiel Member Posts: 22
    They should never bring in the garbage looking blue electro, but bringing in classic scorpion would be awesome. I also would like them to pull Miles out and reskin him as Spider-Man 2099 and just get rid of Miles entirely he's trash and they could give Spider-Man 2099something with his talons and his venom bite. to replace Miles' stupid electric sting that is a rip off of Jessica Drew.
  • DjkrdjjDjkrdjj Member Posts: 444 ★★
    Sucky ideas
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