More accounts in one alliance?

TriasEUTriasEU Member Posts: 110
Hey guys, I have a question for my new alliance. We have a player that wants to join with both accounts is this allowed by kabam? 2Accounts shouldn't be that big of a deal right?


  • BapoiBapoi Member Posts: 995 ★★★
    If he is owner of both, and plays both himself, no, not an issue

    Currently playing three accounts in one alliance myself :smile:
  • DRTODRTO Member Posts: 1,689 ★★★★★
    Yes a player can multiple accounts, just as long as they are the only one that is playing with the accounts.
  • TriasEUTriasEU Member Posts: 110
    Thanks guys! Love the forums!
  • FhfjghhggggjfhfjgFhfjghhggggjfhfjg Member Posts: 4,492 ★★★★★
    Yes you are allowed multiple accounts in the same alliance i have 4 accounts in the same alliance and theres been no issues
  • SweatlipSweatlip Member Posts: 163
    Be careful though as have seen alot have trouble with it. There was win person whos alliance kept getting docked so he tested it. Strated an alliance with 30 new accounts played wars and was still docked
  • Darkstar4387Darkstar4387 Member Posts: 2,145 ★★★
    It's fine as long as they're your accounts that you created, as long as their your accounts that only you are using and only if they can only be tied back to you then you'll have no issues with kabam that means.

    1. You can not have been given one because that is account sharring and kabam tracks the orgin and many other things which is why some people keep getting flagged.

    2. You can not buy an account because that is account sharring and another thing kabam tracks especially if there are fishy things going.

    3. Letting someone else in a different state or timezone or another part of the world play your account to beat content or login and play your aq and aw because that is both account sharring and piloting and maybe they also get caught hacking or moding.

    I'm speaking as a p with two accounts, and two accounts in the same alliance who occasionally uses a single device to play them on and have been doing so for over a year now with their knowledge and we've had 0 issues with kabam and zero points lost.

    If your alliance keeps getting docked that means someone in your alliance did one of those 3 and had things that do not match the ones kabam has for them and is the reason why you all keep getting docked, they track a great many things and so does Google play and apple who also share stuff with them

    Simple don't account share, don't piloting, don't hack or mod, don't use generators, have those that are doing stop and change their login information or remove them from your alliance and you will be fine if not the kabam will continue to dock your alliance until your war rating is nothing and possibly if it's to widespread they will just disband your alliance
  • TriggerFlakesTriggerFlakes Member Posts: 9
    just dont use multiple devices to login into the same account, Kabam will flag for piloting and you get punished.
  • Darkstar4387Darkstar4387 Member Posts: 2,145 ★★★
    just dont use multiple devices to login into the same account, Kabam will flag for piloting and you get punished.

    Nope as long as it's your account you will have no issues I do it all the time, that's not what is going on what I said above is trust me you have no idea what kabam tracks and if those don't match you will get penalized for it.

    They track these and more.

    Who created the accounts
    The emails tied to them
    Your device type
    Your device ID
    Device information and status
    Your timezone
    Your purchases
    What you do in game ie rank champions etc
    Behavioral data
    User ID
    View your network connection
    View your WiFi connection
    Get data from the internet
    Files they download to your device
    Data they collect from Google or apple

    This just some of the things, if they don't match kabams records you will get penalized they already said it was fine and so was having multiple accounts in general, so stop trying to spread false information.
  • BapoiBapoi Member Posts: 995 ★★★
    Completely agree with @Darkstar4387 here.

    I play on three different devices, and I play multiple accounts. Which account logs on to what device is completely situational.
    But they always log on to the same devices. And have been doing so from the get-go. Most of the time in game is spent on WiFi, so that is one constant. The devices used, while there are three, are a constant. And even those times outside my home, on the phone, still is my device that is being used.

    Play fair, and there is not an issue.
  • Darkstar4387Darkstar4387 Member Posts: 2,145 ★★★
    Bapoi wrote: »
    Completely agree with @Darkstar4387 here.

    I play on three different devices, and I play multiple accounts. Which account logs on to what device is completely situational.
    But they always log on to the same devices. And have been doing so from the get-go. Most of the time in game is spent on WiFi, so that is one constant. The devices used, while there are three, are a constant. And even those times outside my home, on the phone, still is my device that is being used.

    Play fair, and there is not an issue.

    Same here I have 3 devices, two accounts that I use with my main phones wifi and occasionally I play both on this phone and I've had 0 issues.

    Also I've broken who god knows how many phones or had them glitch out or upgrade them and I've had 0 issues from kabam and they know all of this and everything I login with is tied to me and only me and I don't particularly travel so there is no suspicious logins.
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