Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Spiderman homecoming update

After update my four star champions are degraded in terms of attack and health please try to solve this problem. ...


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    MegaSkater67MegaSkater67 Posts: 1,377 ★★★★
    There was a 10% boost for summoner appreciation week 4 which increased attack, health and PI temporarily. It's probably because that boost has now expired so everything is back to Normal again.
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    Thank you very much dear, u solved my problem and confusion thanks alot
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    But this isn't happened to my 3* champions and i asked on global they were saying that it happened to them also but in some champions not all
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    MegaSkater67MegaSkater67 Posts: 1,377 ★★★★
    Have you changed your masteries recently or used an attack, health or champion boost? The difference in 3* champions will be smaller from the appreciation week boost since their stats are naturally lower, so might be harder to detect. If you're certain only your 4*s have changed then you'd probably be better off submitting a ticket to support to see what they say.
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    When i saw the difference i recovered my mastery ppints and then i put them in similar way then also i saw the difference, okay u please tell me the average attack of rank 3 level 30 4* champion
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    MegaSkater67MegaSkater67 Posts: 1,377 ★★★★
    Hard to say really but usually late 600s to early 700s. A few like rocket with higher attack or king groot that will be quite different though.
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