Looking for Gold alliance, 120k level 53

I am looking for a new alliance for alliance war season 4. My in game name is lgreen11. I participate in all wars and quests and I am currently on 5.2.4 in story quest. My defense team in wars is a 4/40 sig 32 Spiderman Classic, 4/40 Hyperion, 2/35 Killmonger, 4/40 sig 74 Mephisto, and either 2/35 Sentry or 4/40 sig 38 Cyclops. My attack team is usually 5/50 Sparky, 2/35 Quake, and 4/40 Gwenpool or 4/40 Rogue. I would be happy in any gold alliance, as I am planning on leaving my current alliance when I join a new one.
Also my brother, whose in game name is gibbygreen, is also looking. He is level 52 and started playing at the same time as me, so his progression is similar to mine.
Any responses would be appreciated, Thanks!
Also my brother, whose in game name is gibbygreen, is also looking. He is level 52 and started playing at the same time as me, so his progression is similar to mine.
Any responses would be appreciated, Thanks!