We don't have a phone number for support. How did you attempt to contact support? The only ways to reach them is through the in-game Support link on the settings page and through the form at this link. Sending a direct email, for example, will not work.
When you have submitted a request successfully, you'll get an automatic email response with a ticket number. Then you'll know that the request was received and you can keep an eye out for a response.
We don't have a phone number for support. How did you attempt to contact support? The only ways to reach them is through the in-game Support link on the settings page and through the form at this link. Sending a direct email, for example, will not work.
When you have submitted a request successfully, you'll get an automatic email response with a ticket number. Then you'll know that the request was received and you can keep an eye out for a response.
I am annoyed by copy paste replies that support gave.
We don't have a phone number for support. How did you attempt to contact support? The only ways to reach them is through the in-game Support link on the settings page and through the form at this link. Sending a direct email, for example, will not work.
When you have submitted a request successfully, you'll get an automatic email response with a ticket number. Then you'll know that the request was received and you can keep an eye out for a response.
I am annoyed by copy paste replies that support gave.