I used an awakening gem for dorm and r4 him for defence only

So the meta has changed it get that but with a meta change like this I would like my awakening gem Back and a mystic rank down ticket as he won’t be used ever again on defence !! I hear a lot of people saying it’s not that big of a deal !! Yes it is when it’s taken and cost u to get them resources for him to be made worthless, Kabam I would like to see this happen ur making a lot of people unhappy and I’m one of them,, what do u have to say personally to me as I used ag and rank 4 him will I see this items back ???
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They refuse to even consider how impactful this is to some people. Sorry for your loss, because they will NOT help you. I know from experience. You can also send a ticket, but it’s pointless
Remember dexterity doesn’t refresh when u dodge that makes his passice activate a lot less
I don’t think that’s a good comparison at all. Hulk Rag wasn’t designed specifically to fight Dorm. He has poison immunity and heal block with regen tied to his sig. I don’t think anyone would rank up a champ specifically to counter one champ. That seems a bit absurd honestly. I do see mystic defenders having a case for RDTs although personally I’m against them. I only mainly think they deserve them because for years Kabam has said the relationship between MD and Dex is working as intended and they had no intention of changing it.
If you look into the md/dex thread I agree this is almost making dorm as useful as a flaming pumpkin. But I do know guys that pride their selves on being boss killers that ranked hulk rags to take on big dorms. All I’m saying is a lot of us, myself included ranked dorm for one thing and that’s for defensive correlation of dex/md. And your absolutely on point about the player base being told it was working as intended. The amount of players that ranked champs like dorm wouldn’t be as high if they didn’t tell us that for however long they’ve been saying it. But a lot of people ranked specific champs to combat dorm and md/dex. The case transcends this. If people are allowed rdts for dorm, others can make the same exact case we are for their other champs. Make sense? Lol. That is even a little hard for me to follow but I couldn’t figure out how to word it differently.
I understand the argument, but then where do you draw the line? Kabam makes stun immune nodes, so champs that stun deserve RDTs? Someone ranks OG BP and they release a bleed immune champ so you deserve a RDT for BP? I’m not trying to trivialize your argument because I understand. But just because there’s a change to MD/Dex doesn’t necessarily devalue the attacker. There’s still plenty of degen fights Gulk will be strong against and plenty of power gain champs/nodes that Magik will be useful for. Once you start going down that’s rabbit hole, it’s hard to find a stopping point.
Agreed, 100%.
If you look at the FAQ in the Discussion Thread, you will see that we have addressed this, and Rank Down Tickets. Please do not make new threads on subjects that have already been replied to.
Additionally, this change to Dexterity may actually work in Dormammu's favor. Sure, you won't have that chance to trigger his Signature from multiple evades in a row, but now Dexterity changes from a Consistent Buff to a Duration buff, and then that expires. This means for a Dexterity evade, Dormammu's Signature ability has 2 chances to trigger instead of 1.
And before anybody asks, no this doesn't mean that MD will trigger twice from one Dex Evade. When the Precision Buff converts to the buff with a duration, it "Removes" itself, which is no longer a trigger for MD.