Why Emma Frost doesn't need a nerf

As I see it, there are two ways to nerf a champion. The first is a direct nerf where the abilities are simply changed. We last saw this back in patch 12.0. I do not feel this is a good idea, since people who heavily invested in those champs are now filled with an anger that rank down tickets cannot remove. That's why I feel that direct nerds should be a true last resort measure. The second way is an indirect need where the characters abilities remain unchanged, but new characters have abilities that can handle them. The second way is what represents the meta of the game. Take Mordo for instance; at one point he was nearly unbeatable with his stun immunity, mystic dispersion, and power gain. But as time went on, we saw less and less of him, because the meta had adapted to fight him. Iceman could stop his evades with coldsnap, stark spidey could simply outdamage him, red hulk (the new one) could quickly rack up heat charges, and blade could be blade.
I do not feel that Emma Frost is that overpowered to deserve a direct nerf. Sure, she is powerful, but she can be brought down. Take Blade for instance. He may be generally considered to be the best champ in the whole game, but even he has poor matchups. He can't damage Iceman, and he can't stop Nightcrawler and Spidermans evade. Even the best champs have poor matchup, and Emma Frost is no exception. She dies to armor break champs as they shut down diamond form. Ghost can just walk right through her with overpowered specials. And psylocke can power lock and stop inverted controls. In conclusion, Emma Frost does not need a nerd because she isn't downright broken.
I do not feel that Emma Frost is that overpowered to deserve a direct nerf. Sure, she is powerful, but she can be brought down. Take Blade for instance. He may be generally considered to be the best champ in the whole game, but even he has poor matchups. He can't damage Iceman, and he can't stop Nightcrawler and Spidermans evade. Even the best champs have poor matchup, and Emma Frost is no exception. She dies to armor break champs as they shut down diamond form. Ghost can just walk right through her with overpowered specials. And psylocke can power lock and stop inverted controls. In conclusion, Emma Frost does not need a nerd because she isn't downright broken.
Is now my new favourite saying. Buck up Buttercup, Some where out there someone needs that Nerd they do say there is someone for everyone after all!
Yeah because everyone has invested so much time in their Emma Frost's by now, right? (Sarcasm intended)
Best comment in this thread so far.
Presumably you're meaning that she does this by keeping Emma at zero power.
Emma's spotlight hasn't been released yet. When it is, we're expecting Magneto and Juggernaut to be name-checked as immune to inverted controls. As the only other telepath in the game, Psylocke really ought to be as well.
Robots aren't, for balance. Fine. But Psylocke wouldn't unbalance the game, surely...