You Gave Us a Band-Aid, But We Needed Stitches

JSigsJSigs Member Posts: 3
Hey everyone,

In the past, whenever an issue comes up, the community receives some form of compensation. Sometimes small things like emergency maintenance yield some arena boosts for our struggle, etc. And sometimes larger occurrences like backlash from 12.0, or the bug in which summoners couldn't dash back twice in sequence, warrant rank down tickets, or an entire month of Summoner Appreciation in which each week gave summoners a unique bonus (making for a very exciting month). With recent issues such as overheating preventing players from playing, and the sequential consistent emergency maintenance leaving us with a large amount of down time, we got a week of 20% extra resources, 10% health and attack boost (which I'm certain helped some summoners, including myself, do a path of Labyrinth), and some decent crystals (at least for myself). Then we got a bonus week of crystals, which I'm not so sure everybody was holding their breath for.

I understand the nature of determining the proper compensation for perceived issues, however, it's impossible to determine how these issues effected each individual. I know several summoners that could not get arena done, and could hardly do more than a couple war fights at a time due to their phones overheating. In my opinion (entirely an opinion), not being able to play the game at all seems a bit worse than struggling with a bug in which you cannot evade twice in sequence. One of these problems you can adapt your gameplay to, the can't even play. This isn't so much a post to say, "We deserve more!" as it is to say: consider what consequences the issues actually have on a large portion of the player base, then consider what you would feel if you were as frustrated as many of these players were, and what you think you would want in return. A Summoner Appreciation week (and bonus week) was certainly appreciated, but not as much as last year's appreciation. In fact, that's actually the reason this Summoner Appreciation felt so lackluster. I'm not sure if you have anything else planned in secret, but I do believe there is a bit more that could be done to help mend that wound.


P.S. Feel free to comment with thoughts and opinions.


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