Phoenix Signature not working as intended

So, Phoenix is under-rated for lots of reasons; but this isn't about that, and overall I think she's a reasonable character. Her signature simply doesn't do the job it is meant to if she is carrying any debuffs.
The signature is clearly meant to reflect Phoenix being 'Reborn', which is great - love the idea - except that she isn't. The description states she is invulnerable for 2s, but she isn't: if she is carrying Poison or Bleed, she keeps taking damage. If she's carrying Guillotines curse, she dies too quickly to know if it's the Bleed or the curse that does it!
Solution: (1) Phoenix should remove all negative effects when she 'dies', and (2) she did have a base minimum regeneration of, say, 10-15%, plus a percentage per Phoenix charge.
Oh and (3) please change the name to 'Rise' of the Phoenix. Really. It would sound so much better...
The signature is clearly meant to reflect Phoenix being 'Reborn', which is great - love the idea - except that she isn't. The description states she is invulnerable for 2s, but she isn't: if she is carrying Poison or Bleed, she keeps taking damage. If she's carrying Guillotines curse, she dies too quickly to know if it's the Bleed or the curse that does it!
Solution: (1) Phoenix should remove all negative effects when she 'dies', and (2) she did have a base minimum regeneration of, say, 10-15%, plus a percentage per Phoenix charge.
Oh and (3) please change the name to 'Rise' of the Phoenix. Really. It would sound so much better...
She is actually one of the more powerful characters in the game and can revive to full health if you have enough phoenix charges on her at the time. She doesn't really need a buff and seems like a weird thing to nit pick at. Every champion has some weakness.
You put this under bugs, but it's not a bug.
It may not be a 'bug', but it is an Issue. And this is hardly nit-picking. As you say yourself, she's supposed to be invulnerable whilst healing up. That's kind of key to the ability.
You don't need to defend Phoenix to me. I quite like her; and I like that you need to gameplay intelligently to use her Sig effectively by stacking up charges just before getting KO'd.
I've no problem with debuffs persisting, beyond that she's supposed to be being cosmically reborn and it doesn't make sense - hence the suggestion I gave above. But at the very least she should heal properly and then start taking damage again after she has stopped being invulnerable.
Any chance this could be fixed?
Guillotine causes reversal of Phoenix's healing too; but can live with that as one unique effect cancelling out another. But surely the poison and bleed damage could be sorted?
Fine, as long as it's been read I'm happy. Not sure why a fault in the game mechanic isn't a bug; but fine.