Science used to be weak but not now imo... void,quake,LC,hulks can clear almost any content and void is one of the best champs of the game right now..
IMO right now every class is quite equal in terms of strong and weak champs
I'd say tech but not by far actually... Its just they have too much trash like science but atleast science has around 6-7 top champs compared to 4-5 for tech
Also mystic needs some new champs because its been almost year without one
really bro?
IMO right now every class is quite equal in terms of strong and weak champs
Everyone else in that class is basically clone iron mans. No one likes those guys
Lets hope Venom and Carnage will bridgeup that gape with their rework!
Lol Medusa and Hyperion? Void, Wasp and Hulk (Ragnarok)?
In Mutant class -Omega red, Ice man, Archangel, X 23, Emma Frost, Psylocke, Wolverine, Sabretooth are Savage.
In Mystic Class-Magik, Dr. Vodoo, Mephisto, Scarlett Witch, The hood,Morning Star are great.
But in Science Class Void is only one who is Pretty much reliable. The other good champs are there but not effective as other class champs.
Corvus is only one of the most sought after AW attackers in the game currently...
Quake, Rulk, Gulk, and LC are all excellent science champs
Did you mean to post this back in 2016 but forgot until just now?
Also mystic needs some new champs because its been almost year without one
It was the classic Mcoc lag
Hyperion and Medusa are obvious
Proxima is a LOL champ
Corvus is a beast
Angela and Hela rip enemies apart
Drax is still a powerhouse
Both Marvel Danvers exist still
And Ronan depending on the month is often THE god!
Even black bolt with Medusa becomes close to SL
Hulk, Rulk and Gulk all spring to mind
Hmm let’s see Quake, Captain Infinity and Wasp all exist as well as CapWWII
Luke Cage is a monster
Oh… and I almost forgot VOID!