Top Tier AQ / AW Recruiting 8k Prestige+

Children of Atom has a few spots opening and are ideally looking for the following:
8000+ Prestige
Skilled AW Players
Map 6 Experience
Donations - 316K Gold, 56K BC, 23K Loyalty
Good Communicators
Highly Active
Large 5* R4 Defense / Diversity
For more information contact us on Line:
GoodfellaBugsy or B.LeeUNC3
We are both a dual AQ and AW focused ally and want like-minded individuals, so large rosters welcome!
Top 30ish in AQ
Shooting Platinum 1 in AW
8000+ Prestige
Skilled AW Players
Map 6 Experience
Donations - 316K Gold, 56K BC, 23K Loyalty
Good Communicators
Highly Active
Large 5* R4 Defense / Diversity
For more information contact us on Line:
GoodfellaBugsy or B.LeeUNC3
We are both a dual AQ and AW focused ally and want like-minded individuals, so large rosters welcome!
Top 30ish in AQ
Shooting Platinum 1 in AW