Emma frost vs hydra adatoid uncollected: who was harder?

Tomstar124Tomstar124 Member Posts: 144
I am not in anyway moaning just wanted to know what the MCOC community thought about who was a harder kill

Emma frost vs hydra adatoid uncollected: who was harder? 101 votes

Emma frost
DL864TheTAbyssDrZolaBadroseMr_PlatypusAnimejay70Timone147BrainimpacterSpity68mum_m2vg2782belli300TheManMythLegendTrektSIlverProfessorAppleisgodBENJI830SpeedbumpQuincyPeckrealiTic 73 votes
Hydra adaptoid
AjavedCapWW2INTEGRALM1k0rinG0311xananabananaAggresssorPizzabeatScary_TerrysimolazMy_SuperiorDankestChefKillerRino19TheRealmKeeperChampioncriticeagles1990JayCeeVindollarAlexxキングWelderofortune 28 votes


  • Ch1efsterCh1efster Member Posts: 477 ★★★
    Emma frost
    I haven't taken her on in uncollected yet (going to do heroic and master first), but Hydra adaptoid had a work-around known as Ronan. Emma...not so much.
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  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    I feel like Hydra adaptoids is easy if you have the right champ, but really hard if you don’t.

    Emma frost is hard if you don’t know how to fight her, but she can be done with a larger range of champions.
  • Bonze9Bonze9 Member Posts: 73
    Emma frost
    I’m sorry. I’m dumb. I sold Ronan 3 and 4*. Wasn’t ever gonna put a gem into him. So I took the uncollected adaptoid with a 2* Ronan. He earned MAYBE 3 revives TOTAL. Emma is a completely different animal. So for me there really isn’t a comparison here lol.
  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    Emma frost
    Hydra Adaptoid wasn’t even hard with Ronan. I died twice to him just because I wanted to try other “options” for him to see if they would go faster. Ronan and Medusa made it a cake walk for sure. Emma frost on the other hand, I just can’t seem to get back enough for her specials so I end up dashing in with inverted controls....
  • The_Boss9The_Boss9 Member Posts: 1,390 ★★★
    Emma frost
    Medusa completely shut down adaptiod and made him ez emma has no complete counter like that
  • CapWW2CapWW2 Member Posts: 2,901 ★★★★
    Hydra adaptoid
    The_Boss9 wrote: »
    Medusa completely shut down adaptiod and made him ez emma has no complete counter like that

    Yes she does. SL. She is dead in a 45 hit combo.
  • Maat1985Maat1985 Member Posts: 2,412 ★★★★
    havnt done emma yet....

    but i used a 2* or 3* ronan. used different one sometimes on different path.
    and he was the easiest boss ever.,.....
    actually i lie redskull with ronan was even quicker....
    easiest EQ bosses ever.....
    heimdall was the hardest last month.....
  • The_OneThe_One Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
    Now I've done both I'll say that the adaptoid was the easiest.
    Let's face it it's not difficult to evade a few specials until you get to your own S1 then just permastun with Ronan.

    Emma Frost wasn't nearly as difficult as people are making her out to be.
    I went with the tactic of boosting my champs and blocking her S1 instead of trying to evade it with inverted controls and that cost me a lot less items than trying to evade would have done.

    I won't be exploring UC EQ but I didn't explore the last one either.
    I find it more frustrating than enjoyable so I've decided I'll explore heroic, master and the first 2 chapters of UC and just complete chapter 3 for completion rewards.

    I'm happy with that.
  • xananabananaxananabanana Member Posts: 495
    Hydra adaptoid
    Found Adaptoid harder because of unblockable finale. Didn't go with Ronan because doing permastun didn't require any skills.

    Emma is pretty easy once u put up a bit of practice.
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