Alliance Wars Season 4 - Adjustments or Node Changes?

In-game message arrived earlier stating that Allaince Wars Season 4 officially starts on September 12th. Only new info was about boost crystals.
Are there going to be any node changes or adjustments made for Season 4?
Are there going to be any node changes or adjustments made for Season 4?
Each season there have been some adjustments and changes to continually adapt. This one is flying under the radar currently.
that is not true.....
they shortened last season as they felt the 8 weeks was tooo long.
they also said moving forward all seasons would be 4 weeks.
this was decided long before the season was delayed.
if you were excited about the full size rewards for the 8 week season...
then you should be excited bout the half size rewards for half a season.
infact it is better to me cus having stuff come in more often is better.
also the rewards were slightly better than half if i am not mistaken.
there has been no announcement about changes so i dare say there will be none.
they have been pretty good lately about giving advance notice on changes.
like the changes or not atleast the notice has been there
good notice on AQ changes
good notice on MD changes.