Game freezing and never ending load screens

Fpaez87Fpaez87 Member Posts: 24
That game has frozen 2 times now after I finish a match, it happened once in arena and now during a quest.

In addition, the game is taking too long to load, it affected a fight in AW, the loading screen lasted forever and the fight had to restart game and lose half of my champ’s health.

Game performance has been lacking in the last couple of days, laggy fights, overheating, you name it.

Is anyone else having this issues? Is kabam working on a solution to fix this issues? This issues are making the game tedious.


  • DanasjonDanasjon Member Posts: 140
    I have lagg all the time kabam should do something
  • DramioneDramione Member Posts: 76
    I have a brand new Note 9, and loading screens are sooooooo long on 4g and wifi.

  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    Hey there, we currently have some threads going where players can submit reports related to any performance issues they may be experiencing. You can find the thread for iOS here and the thread for Android here. Thanks for the info!
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