Danger Rooms / Emma Frost OP

- They're short
- Lack of rewards
- Too much energy to complete
- They don't seem to be a challenge; they're bland and obvious.
Also wth is with the Uncanny Danger Room-Epic? 6* duped Emma Frost (who's completely and idiotically overpowered) and this is what they call the "special reward" at the end of the week?

I mean, it feels underwhelming. To quote a well known player: in the current state of the game, that's not worth it.
P.S. if any of y'all have some strats or tips to tackle Frost in Master/Uncollected, I'd love some advice. The difficulty spike is atrocious from heroic and the previous chapters.
- They're short
- Lack of rewards
- Too much energy to complete
- They don't seem to be a challenge; they're bland and obvious.
Also wth is with the Uncanny Danger Room-Epic? 6* duped Emma Frost (who's completely and idiotically overpowered) and this is what they call the "special reward" at the end of the week?

I mean, it feels underwhelming. To quote a well known player: in the current state of the game, that's not worth it.
P.S. if any of y'all have some strats or tips to tackle Frost in Master/Uncollected, I'd love some advice. The difficulty spike is atrocious from heroic and the previous chapters.
"They don't seem to be a challenge"
Then in same post you put
"Emma Frost (who's completely and idiotically overpowered) "
That said, she's an obvious money grab and many players will be frustrated by her or possibly even quit. I think Kabam took it a step too far with her personally (especially in Monthly Uncollected), and I'm not looking forward to having to deal with her in AW 3 times a week when her crystals are released but what choice do we have?
1st you have to dash forward when she first activates her SP1 (may be oblivious, but many people get caught off guard because they are too confident they will do it with ease),
2nd, wait a literally split second for her to send another wave of her SP1 at you and dash forward again to evade.
3rd thing is optional. Some people are a bit more confident than me and try to dash back to dash forward and attack her; But to me, that seems a little risky, and I usually try to one shot bosses in event quests whenever possible. So the thing I do is just sit back and hold block until the inverted controls is over and then continue the cycle of baiting her SP1 and finishing her off.
P.S: You might already know this, but any armor break champ is a must have in fighting against her. Highly recommend Corvus, Medusa, and Hyperion as your top armor break champ options. Others like IF, Symbiote Spidey, etc might work (haven't tried these guys yet for Emma).
The eq one is alot tougher. Just that oscillate makes her very tricky to fight, the eq one is definitely abit much. Took me 5-6 runthroughs to get her becuase i refuse to use revives, but then i 1 shot omega red. No doubt she is the real eq boss this month.
dude sorry to ruin your streak .... but you get no rewards for a second play through
Actually you do. You're supposed to. There's an issue, but if you didn't, they'll get them to you later this week.
yeah, saw the post about the issue after i did commented on this